Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It’s caramel apple makin’ time!

Tonight was awesome!! Gabby and I decided to have the most amazing adventure ever. Ok, not really…I am sure that there have been greater adventures in the past  and will be more incredible adventures in the future but…for tonight, it was an amazing adventure. We decided to make caramel apples. Remember the last time I made caramel apples…it turned out horribly looking but tasted simply divine. I have wanted to try again but was kinda nervous of how they would turn out. Gabby took a class a few months ago on caramel apple making and I took a class two years ago…so with the knowledge that she had and the lack of knowledge that I had, we decided to attempt. 

While the caramel was melting, we chopped up Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, crushed Oreos and Butterfingers, created a cinnamon sugar mixture and melted the chocolate.  Now,  it was time to cover the apples with delicious caramel.  Gabby was awesome at sharing her step by step knowledge on how to create the most delicious looking caramel apples.  Then, we dipped them into chocolate and covered them with delicious goodness.  

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Caramel apples covered in chocolate & Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!

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Delicious looking ones with coconut, Oreo's & Butterfingers! 

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Now it is time to package them all up!

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Now…they are patiently waiting to be delivered!!

IAw…what a great adventure.  I had so much fun playing with Gabby!  Making caramel apples wasn’t as stressful as I thought it was going to be!  It was so much fun.  If I say so myself, I think that these delicious caramel apples are amazing masterpieces.  I think that we should go into the caramel apple making business.  Just kidding! 

Have a delicious day!




¡Vieve! said...

We should go into the caramel apple making business! Do you know how much people charge for these?! We'll be rich!

Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson said...

Those looked simply divine! Meakes me want to try some too!

Maleen said...

Okay, okay, I'll buy one from you. Those coconut ones look fabulous. Next time, invite me. I've been wanting to make some of these, and I would totally chip in for ingredients.

Gerb said...

Okay, I change my answer to DEFINITELY Oreos or Reeses. AMAZING!!! These look so delicious that I'm going to save my carb and sugar allotment for 2 weeks so I can eat one. (Um, assuming these are what you were hinting about...)