Friday, November 26, 2010

Favorite things Friday…my fireplace!

One of my most favorite things isunnamed

my fireplace!

One of my most favorite things is my fireplace.  I have struggled with sleeping lately.  This is not news to those who know me very well. I will go through cycles with my sleeping patterns.  Sometimes I fall asleep before midnight and sleep until morning. Aw…those are the sweet nights!  Other times, I fall asleep around one or two and then, find myself awake before my alarm goes of.  This is normal sleeping patterns for me.  But lately, I am not a fan of my sleeping pattern.  I fall asleep shortly before midnight and wake up around 2:30 am.  I try to go back to sleep but apparently by brain and body do not feel the need. 

After trying to fall back asleep, I decide to get up, grab my quilt and head downstairs.  I turn on the fireplace and cuddle up beside it.  Finally, what seems like forever…I drift off to sleep for about an hour or so.  I am grateful for my fireplace that keeps me company in the wee hours of the morning.  We have bonded so well! HA



1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I wish I had a fireplace! Using one on Thanksgiving morning was the best - it made me want one so bad!