Friday, November 12, 2010

…fabulous things Friday…cold cereal!

One of my most favorite things is...

OatBran-ColdCereal-Detail.sflb.ashxcold cereal!

Yes, I love cold cereal!  To me…cold cereal is a comfort food.  I love cold cereal.  I can eat cold cereal anytime of the day.  I can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I never get bored of it.  If I am not very hungry, cold cereal is the food that I grab.  If I want a little treat…cold cereal is the perfect little treat.  I love cold cereal!  I love having all types of cold cereal in my pantry.  The choices sometimes are endless.  It is awesome!!  So, yes, one of my most favorite things is cold cereal. 

Have a delicious bowl of cold cereal…I know that you will love it!!!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I love cold cereal! I sadly ran out this week, and had to have oatmeal on Friday...what a sad day.