Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A gift of peace!

email-marketing-business Have you ever received an email or a letter that you were not expecting at all and what is written is exactly what you needed to  read at that very moment in life?  Today, I did.  I received an email from a very dear friend.  It touched my heart in away that by the time I finished reading it…tears were running down my face.  Not because it was sad or mean…in fact, it was the complete opposite. It truly was a gift…a gift of peace.   I know that she was truly inspired to say the things that she said.  It was touching and tender.  There have been so many times in my life when this has happened.  I know that these letters and emails are a result of friends acting on promptings.  Thank you so much!  I am so grateful that I have the friends that I do.  They truly bless my life. 

I hope that you have a very special day!!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I love getting those kinds of things! How great that you got one.