Monday, November 15, 2010

Chill out…sympathy…are you serious?

k1963077 Have you ever opened up to someone about an opinion or about your feelings?  I mean really open up about something. You share with them things that you normally wouldn’t share with anyone.  So, while you are talking with them, you start to feel like they are understanding what you are expressing.  It is a great feeling inside.  You start to feel like this is the type of person that you can share such personal things with…then, the BOMB drops.  They tell you to either chill out about it or they tell you that you are just wanting sympathy.  Seriously?!  Chill out.  Sympathy.  Are you serious?  Did I just hear what I thought I heard?  This has happened to me several times.  To me, when I hear those types of expressions, I can just imagine fingernails scratching against a chalkboard.  I get these chills that creep me out. 

First of all, I am not the person that goes out and seeks sympathy.  If I share something that is personal with you…I really mean it.  These are my feelings.  This is how I think.  I am not out seeking sympathy.  If I wanted sympathy, I wouldn’t go about it sharing my inner most feelings nor would I go out parading my weaknesses around to everyone.  I just will not do that.  I never want anyone to feel sorry for me.  I do love for people to listen and offer advice, but feel sorry for me…it is not my way of thinking. 

Second of all, why would you ever tell someone to chill out?  If they have just shared with you their inner most feelings…what on earth gave you the power to tell them to chill out.  Are you perfect?  Do you make every single decision correctly?  I don’t think so.  I witnessed this today.  It really was like listening to fingernails being screeched across the chalkboard.  It is not right.  The feelings that people have are their feelings.  Their very own.  They are not your feelings.  You have no right to judge how they feel.  You have no right to tell them to chill out.  UGH!!! 

For some reason, these thoughts are on my mind tonight.  Why can’t we all be a little bit more sensitive to other people? When people are sharing their feelings with you, show some respect.  Hopefully, they will respect you, too!




¡Vieve! said...

Oh my heck, I am in total agreement with you! Especially when someone says to chill out - when I'm not even angry or anything! Why can't they just listen and not be so rude about it?!

Maleen said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I sure pray that I was never the one to say it. I don't enjoy the chill out statement much myself.