Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is it really that treacherous?

Line_after_line_540x404 I love technology…that is probably why I enjoy my job so much.  I spend all day on the computer and never grow tired of it.  The phone rings and I have the capability to solve a problem within minutes because I have all the information right at my finger-tips.  I love that if I want to talk to someone, I just have to pick up the phone and dial.  I love that I can text someone and receive an answer back almost immediately (if they are in the mood to respond).  I love that you can send an email and receive a response much faster than that of a letter through the US Postal Service.  I love technology.  I love instant gratification.  I have grown a custom to it.  I would say that I am a pretty patient person…but could I be more patient? 

Well, this morning, I was at the post office waiting in line.  I was in a hurry and did not want to wait in line…I had places to go, people to see and things to do.  All I wanted to do is pick up the mail and go about my day.  As I was standing there, I was listening to this lady in front of me.  She was talking to the guy in front of her.  She had two screaming children and it looked as if they had just woken up. I am sure that her little ones were hungry or something to that affect.  She was commenting to this guy that she was so used to instant gratification that standing in lines are treacherous for her.  She kept saying that she thought that going to the post office would be easier than this.  I kept thinking to myself…Are you serious?  Is it really that treacherous?

All day long today, I have tried to be a more patient person…guess what?  It is so difficult.  I will keep trying.  I don’t want to ever get to the point that I think standing in lines are treacherous! Life would not be fun if it got that point.

Have an stupendous day!!!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

Sometimes I really do think people are too used to getting things instantly! Good post-we can all be more patient!