Are you a tactful person? The dictionary states that being tactful is being considerate and discreet. Anyway, I think that I am a very tactful person--at least I really hope that I am. Anyway, it mortifies me when people are not tactful. If you can't be considerate or discreet--maybe it is a good thing to be quiet.
So, today, I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting, trying my hardest to have my brain and my heart focus on the speakers. I noticed this person (let's call me Mark) stand up and walk towards the door. Mark has his little one in his arms. Anyway, he stands inside the door rocking his little one. I noticed him and thought to myself--what a great dad. But, the person sitting next to me makes a comment (not in a whisper, but in a regular voice) about him. I was completely mortified. I kept looking straight ahead. I notice out of the corner of my eye that he turned and looked in our way. I pretended (oh-how I pretended) that I was so in tune with the speakers and that I had not heard or said what was just mentioned. He just stared in our direction. I was mortified. Yes, 100% mortified. I could not believe what she had said. Oh, I hope that he did not think that I had said it.
So, my question...what would you do in this situation? I could not believe what happened. In fact, I am still mortified over the whole situation. I just want to pretend that I was not apart of it--but the problem is--I was sitting right there and the person who made the comment was talking to me. Even though, I did not respond...I was still part of it. So, my question to the few readers that read my blog...what do I do now? What would you do in my situation? YIKES!!