Sunday, November 9, 2008

piece of bread..

Bright and early this morning I went to see my mom. I guess one advantage of having late church is that you can accomplish a lot of things in the morning. Anyway, back to the story that I wanted to share…

Shad was making eggs for Mom and Brylie shortly after I arrived. I opted for toast instead. As I was buttering my toast, I could feel someone watching me. (You know that kind of eerie feeling when someone is watching.) I turned to see my little niece looking at me. When our eyes made contact, she signed, “Piece of bread, please—thank you.” It shocked me. She has been learning to speak through signing—so, that is not what shocked me. The thing that shocked me was that she asked without being prompted. Usually, we ask her questions and she responds by using the signs. But, to see her ask without the prompting was simply amazing. In fact, that wonderful peacefulness was felt in the kitchen of my parent’s home.

The peacefulness that I am speaking of is the peace that surrounded my grandma and grandpa. When they were alive, they were deaf. The way of communication was through American Sign Language. Whenever I sign or see someone else signing, immediately, I feel that peacefulness of my grandparents. I, absolutely, love that feeling. It is a feeling that I treasure. Now, that Brylie is learning that wonderful language, that peacefulness surrounds her. I am grateful for that!!!

P.S. I am grateful for a sweet little niece.


¡Vieve! said...

That is such a cute story! I'm so glad to hear that she's picking up on the sign language!

Maleen said...

Darn you for going private. How am I going to keep up? Just kidding. It is fun now to come and read several posts at once, although I will be the lame commenter now that puts all the comments together, so... looks like you had fun at the game. I have never tried a diet coke. Can you believe it? I hate WRITING in a journal. It is too slow. And I am so excited that Brylie is signing on her own initiative. She is such a cutie.