Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Want a free scrumptious cupcake?

It is that time of year again!

It is November!

Hip Hip Hoorrah!!!

Not only is it Thanksgiving, plenty of birthday celebrations and many fun and

exciting adventures but…

it is National Blogging Month.

Do you have the time and energy to blog every single day?

I am not sure if I do but I am up for the challenge.

I would love for you to join me with this challenge.

So…if YOU join me each day and post on your blog…

I will in return deliver to your home

the most scrumptious cupcake from The Cocoa Bean Cafe



(of course) the most sweetest note

thanking you

for accepting the challenge and joining me for

National Blogging Month.

Challenge accepted?

Let me know.

Happy Blogging!



¡Vieve! said...

Dear Michelle,

Challenge accepted, and I reverse challenge back at you.

Determined, Vieve

Gerb said...

Do I dare commit to this? I will try. Then maybe you can come deliver me a big ol' hug at the end of the month because some sort of craziness got into my head and I'm trying to do the 'no sugar' thing until the end of December.

Maleen said...

This is so not fair. I blog religiously every November and this is the first year that it doesn't fit in my life.

Can I have a cupcake for previous accomplishments?? Please...

I guess I will just have to go at the challenge next year.