Tuesday, November 15, 2011

17 Miracles

My phone dings letting me know that I have received a text message. 

I click the inbox wondering who it is.

I read the following message… 

“You need to see this movie.  It is powerful. I know that you will love it. ”

The movie she is referring to is 17 Miracles. 

17_miraclesI watched it.

I cried.

I am grateful for Levi Savage who kept meticulous records as he made his way towards the Salt Lake Valley. He along with the others has so much faith…so much faith. 

I watched it again.

I cried harder. 

How grateful I am for the emotions that touched my heart as I watched this amazing movie.

It was a movie that I needed to watch.  It is powerful.  I loved it!



¡Vieve! said...

I love this movie - it's so touching. And so crazy to me to see what hardships people had to go through to get the Salt Lake. So good.

Angela said...

Oh I loved this movie and cried both times I watched it to so amazing