Thursday, November 3, 2011


Families Can Be Together Forever is one of my favorite Primary songs.  I have thought a lot about this song Emma (2)all week.  It brings me so much peace and comfort.  I am so grateful that I have a strong testimony that families can be together forever.

Today, I attended the funeral of a special daughter of God.  In her 8 years of life, she was able to touch so many with her kindness, sweetness, compassion, love and most of all her courageous personality.  I am positive that she touched every single life that she came in contact with…even the stranger in the elevator that was covered in peacock tattoos.  Emma told her that she loved her feathers as she reached up, grabbed her hand and held it until the elevator arrived at their destination.   

Haylie is an incredible mom to such a sweet little girl.  I hope and pray that as Haylie goes through this huge trial that she can always remember that Families Are Forever and that she will be able to be with her sweet little best friend again. 

I am so grateful for the peace that I felt while I listened to the talks and the music at the funeral.  I know that our Heavenly Father is watching over this little family and comforting them while they grieving for this special little girl.  Emma is an amazing daughter of God…because of her, lives have been touched and changed. 



¡Vieve! said...

That little girl is a special cutie, and I'm so glad that she, and her family (and all of us!) know that we can be together even after death parts us. :D

Angela said...

I seen her picture in the paper so is so special what a little Angel