Friday, November 30, 2012

Advil PM…a well-rested night.

I struggle with falling asleep.  I struggle with staying asleep.  My mind is always filled with so many thoughts.  I can’t seem to turn these thoughts off enough to enjoy a great night’s sleep.  So, after trying so hard to fall asleep, I took this…


I woke up at the normal 2:30 am…what is up with that time? What happens at this time EVERY SINGLE morning?  I am not sure.  But, last night was different, I went right back to sleep.  I woke up…well-rested.  It was awesome!!! 

I wish I did not have to take anything like this.  I wish that I could just sleep through the night.  Aw…I wish.


P.S.  I am grateful for sleep…when I get enough of it.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just a reminder…for me!


…hopefully, tomorrow is a better day!



P.S.  I am grateful for new days.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A recipe…The Food I Had Today!

I was sitting with Vieve as we were eating our lunch and reading our books.  I looked over at what she was eating and it looked DELICIOUS. I asked her to send me the recipe.  I love trying new recipes and this looked like one that I would want.

Excited to make this delicious meal, I opened up my email to receive the following:

Food I Had Today

Meat that was seasoned with taco seasoning
I cooked them all, and then I mixed them together, and I mixed in some
cheese with it too. I used Mexican cheese. And then that was a little
blandy still, so I mixed in just a smidge of salsa. I used Pace, but
that's because its my favorite, it's not too spicy for me. That's it,
that's the whole recipe. So boring.

Huh?  I was a tad bit confused.  There wasn’t a name for the recipe.  She entitled it “Food I Had Today”.  Where are the measurements? How was I supposed to create this scrumptious meal without measurements?  Guess what?  I did it.  I just added some rice, hamburger, corn, pinto and black beans…exactly how she wrote it.  So, I mixed them together and…

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enjoyed “The Food I Had Today”. 

Happy Eating!


P.S.  I am grateful for food to eat. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It happened on my run…

My headphones in my ears, music playing from my cell phone, I started running my normal route.  As I rounded the corner near the high school, my music stopped playing.  I stopped to see what was going on.  I fiddled with the buttons and the music started again.  I placed my headphones back in my ears.  I looked up and noticed a…

2012-10-05_18.25.35milkweed plant.

I haven’t seen one of the plants in such a long time.  Memories started flooding my mind.  My grandpa  had a bunch of these milkweed plants in his backyard.  Every year, he would take me out to these plants and we would catch caterpillars.  (Ok…he would catch them…I couldn’t touch them…I was too squeamish). We would place pieces of this plant inside jars, punch holes in the lids, place the caterpillars carefully back on the milkweed and wait…and wait…and wait.  They would eventually turn into Monarch butterflies and we would set them free.  I loved spending time with my grandpa.  I miss him so much.  I started on my run with tears flowing down my face. 

Then, I came upon this place, a place where my a little home once stood…


my grandparents home

In the middle of this yard, sat a little two bedroom home.  I spent a lot of time at my grandparents home.  It was a place I felt so secure.  I stood there for quite some time just looking at this empty lot.  I remembered the beautiful rose garden that was planted on the edge of their property.  I loved those roses…all different kinds and colors. I remembered the ditch that was on the East of their home where we would play in when they were irrigating.  I remembered the fun games we played with our cousins at family barbecues.  I remember sitting with Grandma on her front porch rocking back and forth on her rocking bench.  As I grew up, I remember the many times I mowed their lawn for them.  I remember watching BYU basketball and football games with Grandma. Memories just flooded my mind of these two incredible people. 

I miss my Grandma and Grandpa. 

Today, we would have been celebrating Grandpa’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Grandpa!  I love and miss you!!


P.S.  I am grateful for a wonderful Grandpa and Grandma.  They brought me my amazing Mom. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

100 books in 2012…not going to happen.

One of my goals for 2012 was to read 100 books.  I love to read and so I felt that this would be a perfect (and easy) goal to accomplish. HA  Ha…it hasn’t been easy. I realized that every time I would sit down to read, my mind would start thinking of all the things that I SHOULD be accomplishing.  If I kept reading, all of a sudden I would feel this enormous amount of GUILT.  The sense of guilt would win and I would put my book down…hoping to return to my friends who were lost in the pages of the book I was reading.  

As the months passed by, I would try and talk myself into not feeling so guilty.  I needed to have moments where I enjoyed doing things that I wanted to do instead of needed to do.  So, lately, I have decided that I would read on my lunch break at work.  I love it.  I love eating my lunch and reading. I realized that I can’t feel guilty if I am reading while I am eating lunch.  I can’t accomplish much during that time at work, so it works out perfectly.  I am now up to 17 books.  I have 35 more days to read 83 books…do you think I can accomplish this goal?  (I am hysterically laughing right now).  Probably not!!

Anyway, yesterday I was in a really quiet mood.  As soon as I arrived home from church, I put on my pajamas, grabbed a blanket and curled up with my dear sweet kindle.  I read and read to my hearts content.  One of the books that I read was…


Your Happily Ever After by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

It definitely was a great “pick-me-up”.  I know that I needed to read this book.  It was inspiring, amazing and pretty much incredible.  I remember when I first heard Elder Uchtdorf’s talk and felt the peacefulness of his message.  Tonight as I read this book, I felt that same incredible peace.  A peace that I needed to feel tonight.  I am grateful for inspiring people who help us see the good in our own lives…when we fail to see it.   If you haven’t had a chance to re-read his talk, I recommend it. It will bring some peace into your heart.  I know that it will.


P.S.  I am grateful that I love to read.  I am grateful for many inspiring authors who share their talents.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

just thinking…



P.S.  I am grateful for special friends who help me find joy in the journey.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas…


…thanks to my brother.

Aw…I love Christmas time!!



P.S. I am SO GRATEFUL for my brother.  He climbed on the peaks of my house to put up my Christmas lights.  Heights…one of my biggest fears.  He told me to face my fears…maybe next year…or not.  

Friday, November 23, 2012

The light parade…I love this family tradition.


Every year, our family attends Spanish Fork’s Light Parade.  It doesn’t matter if it is raining, snowing or freezing cold, we are there. We sit in the same place all bundled up in warm clothes and plenty of blankets. I love this tradition but what makes it even more incredible is watching  it with my sweet niece.  Brylie gets so excited about everything and anything.  She absolutely loves Christmas lights.  She screams and cheers…it is so fun to watch.  I love experiencing Christmas through her eyes.  Her laugh and excitement is contagious. 


When Brylie noticed the train approaching with fireworks coming out of its smokestack, she screamed, “We need to tell Papa. He would love it.” My dad had to work and was unable to attend the parade with us.   I love our Christmas traditions.  They make me smile. 


P.S.  I am grateful for Brylie’s contagious love for life, 

Thursday, November 22, 2012






P.S.  Today is Thanksgiving!  I am so grateful for so many people in my life.   I love spending time with my amazing parents and family!!  I love hearing from my dear friends .  I am so grateful for everything in my life.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


For the past several weeks, I have had the privilege and opportunity to teach the young women in our stake.  I love this time of year.  I love listening to these sweet girls. I love being with them.  I love seeing and feeling their passion for life.  I absolutely love it.  Each lesson has been pretty much the same, delivering the same message except for the last one that I taught on Sunday afternoon. 

As I was driving to my destination, I chose to take a moment to pray. I prayed that I would be directed by the Spirit and that I would touch the heart of at least one young woman.  I asked that my words and thoughts would be where they needed to be. A thought popped into my head. The thought was…ask them. 

Ask them...what?

I continued driving and continued to pour out my heart…wondering what will be the outcome of this lesson.  As I entered the young women's room, I silently prayed that I would know what to say.  I  sat my stuff down on the floor. I went to pull out my outline of my lesson...the same one that I have used in most of my lessons. My papers were gone. For some reason, I didn't panic. Peace was in my heart.  I wasn't supposed to teach that lesson. I had given this lesson...or almost all of the wards.

They turned the time over to me and I knew that I was supposed to change my lesson. I had seconds to change it. I wasn't panicked. I walked over to the piano, set my scriptures down, grabbed a piece of chalk and turned to the sweet young women in this room. I told them that I wasn't going to teach what I have taught in the other wards. Instead, I asked them what they wanted me to teach. 

I told them that I was impressed to share with them that Heavenly Father loves them so much that for some reason today, I needed to change the lesson for them. I asked them again what they would like to talk about.   I waited. I asked them again.


Silence filled the could hear a pin drop. No one moved. I waited.  They were all staring at me.  Quietly, I turned and walked over to the chalkboard and wrote CHALLENGES on it. I told them today that we were going to talk about this word. I told them that I wanted them to be open and honest with me. I wasn't going to share anything with their parents, their bishop or to anyone. I wasn't going to judge them. I wanted them to share with me their challenges. For the next fifteen minutes, I wrote every word that they said on the board. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes when I heard of some of their challenges...actually…most of their challenges. They ranged from addictions to controlling anger to body image to self-hate to fear...and anything else that you could think of....It was heart wrenching.  I love these girls.  I want to take away all of their challenges.  As they poured out their hearts to me, I felt strongly to share with them that our Heavenly Father loves them so much.

I told them that I would share with them about someone who could help all of those challenges and weakness become their strengths. I turned toward the chalkboard and erased it and replaced all of those words with the name of the most amazing person…our SAVIOR. For the next fifteen or so minutes, I testified to them of the our Savior, Jesus Christ. I testified to them of the Book of Mormon and the power that it brings into our lives if we choose to feast on it each and every day.

I testified to them of the importance of having the Holy Ghost with them as a constant companion. I hope that there was at least one girl who felt the Spirit and will make a change in her life for the better. I challenged them to talk with their parents and to ask them for help.  I know that the Spirit was strong and that I was teaching what I was supposed to teach. I am grateful for these experiences.

As I was reading in the scriptures tonight, I came across a verse in the Book of Mormon, 1Nephi 15:25, “Wherefore, I, Nephi, did exhort them to give heed unto the word of the Lord; yea, I did exhort them with all the energies of my soul, and with all the faculty which I possessed, that they would give heed to the word of God and remember to keep his commandments always in all things.”

Written next to that scripture, I have a quote  by Pres. Thomas S. Monson that states, “I have learned that when we heed a silent prompting and act upon it without delay, our Heavenly Father will guide our footsteps and bless our lives and the lives of others. I know of no experience more sweet or feeling more precious than to heed a prompting only to discover that the Lord has answered another person’s prayer through you.”

I know that this quote is so true.  I have seen it in my own life. I am grateful for these moments when peace fills my heart.  I don’t understand how I can have such strong and inspiring experiences at times and feel so inadequate at other times in my life.  Do you ever experience those high moments only to feel those low moments shortly return?  I would love to know if you do and how you get back to those high moments.

Thanks for listening to me ramble tonight!


P.S. I am grateful for a comfortable bed where I have plenty of blankets and pillows to snuggle with tonight.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

If you…

I was going through some files on my computer and came across a document that was unfamiliar to me.  I opened it up and following words popped up on my screen…

“If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.—Fred Rogers


 photo from here

About three years ago, I was walking through the airport in Paris, and I passed an Indian woman who gave me such a beautiful smile . . . I can still see her face. Her smile was just what I needed in that moment, and it filled me with hope and goodness. Although there was not a single word spoken, I felt so much love and energy from her smile.

Never underestimate the impact that you can have in single meeting or act of kindness. An insignificant smile could be just what a passerby needs in that moment.

Be aware of the way in which you interact with each person you come in contact with today. Be intentional about sharing a positive word or a smile. Remember that you leave a bit of yourself in every interaction . . .

what is it that you will leave with others?

What do you leave with others?  I often wonder what I leave with those I come in contact with and those that I happen to pass by.  Is it a positive word or smile?  As I reread that story of the Indian woman in Paris, I wonder if I have ever impacted someone like that.  I don’t think that we really know what we do for others.  Wouldn’t it be great if we were more willing to share with others the importance that they played in our life…in a moment when life seems so difficult and filled with trials…wouldn’t it be nice to know that someone impacted our life or how we impacted theirs?  Would it change how we feel, how we acted, how we viewed our trials and challenges?  I ponder these thoughts often. 


P.S. I am grateful for many people who are in my life that help me when things seem unbearable.  Those are the people that truly impact my life.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pizzookies!

It seems like when Autumn time arrives, I crave pumpkin.  Pumpkin cookies. Pumpkin muffins. Pumpkin ice cream. Pumpkin bread.  Pumpkin waffles.  Pumpkin shakes.  Aw…I love pumpkin.  I am not sure why I don’t crave it any other time of the year. It doesn’t make sense? 

Anyway, I needed to make a treat for some friends that were coming to my home.  As I looked through my recipe file, I didn’t find anything that was exciting.  I wanted to make something delicious.  After pondering for quite sometime, I decided to make PIZZOOKIES!!!   I love this delicious dessert.  It is so gooey and delightful.  But…this time I decided to use pumpkin chocolate chip cookie dough and pumpkin ice cream.   As I tasted this divine creation, I felt like I was in pumpkin heaven.  AW….DELICIOUSNESS!!!

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Pumpkin chip cookie dough

Pumpkin ice cream

Chocolate sauce

Preheat oven to  350 degrees.  Fill ramekins about 1/2 full of cookie dough.

Bake in preheated oven for about 12-14 minutes or until golden around the edges. They will still be soft in the middle.

Remove from oven and allow to cool for about 5 minutes.  Top with a scoop of pumpkin ice cream and drizzle with chocolate sauce.



P.S.  I am grateful that I love to bake!! 

Sunday, November 18, 2012


This sums up my thoughts as of late…



P.S.  I am grateful for moments to think.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Adventures that warm my heart!

What brings warm fuzzies into my heart?  Well, let me tell you. I get warm fuzzies when I am invited to events by special people in my life.  I love it.  I love the feeling of being thought of…important…does that make sense?  So, when I received an invitation to attend The Sounds of Stadium at Utah State University in Logan, Utah, I knew that I wanted to attend. 

So, Dalene, Nash and I drove two and half hours in a horrible rain storm to watch this girl…Oh my goodness, it was awesome!! She is incredibly talented.  I loved it!!  Also…just to let everyone know…this was MY VERY FIRST BAND CONCERT…EVER!!  Juleea, thanks so much for inviting me.  It truly warmed my heart.

On the way home, we drove past a few LDS temples.  Nash and I decided that we wanted take pictures of these lovely buildings.  At each temple, we jumped out of car, braved the cold  and took pictures of these incredible buildings. 

Logan Temple

Logan LDS Temple

brigham city temple

Brigham City LDS Temple

Brigham City Tabernacle

Across from the Brigham City Temple, is the Brigham City Tabernacle. 

Aren’t these buildings spectacular?  I think so!!  I had a lot of fun tonight.  This adventure was entertaining and incredible!  I wonder what our next adventure will be.  I know it will be awesome!!


P.S.  Today…I am grateful for fun adventures that make us laugh until we cry!!  Yes, we did laugh until we cried tonight!!  It was awesome.  I really needed this adventure.

Friday, November 16, 2012

I love holiday crafts!

I, along with a couple of my friends, Dalene & Vieve, an awesome sister-in-law, Jessica and a very talented Mom get together and create a craft for each of the holidays.  Prior to Halloween, we created “WICKED”. We had black paint everywhere but there were an over abundance of laughs and giggles. The night was awesome.  We all “ooed” and “awed” over our incredible accomplishments.  I love when I finish a craft and I think that it looks absolutely darling!!


It is always  fun to place it where it will be for the holiday.


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For the month of November , we created “GOBBLE”. I loved how it turned out. It was so much fun. We were much faster at creating this masterpiece than those of the past. I think that we are becoming professionals. HA HA I love spending time with my mom and friends creating such wonder masterpieces. I just love it. I love the feel of completing something that I want to show off to others.


I love the feeling when I get to change my decorations for the holiday.

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I love holiday crafts.  They bring a smile to my heart.


P.S.  I am grateful for family and friends!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What? There is a hole in my wall.

We needed new smoke detectors in our home.  Apparently, smoke detectors are supposed to be changed periodically…not just the battery but the actual smoke detector.  Who knew?  Not me.  Well, it was time to have them changed.  Mr. Handyman  (I am not sure who it was because I was not home at the time) came over to change the smoke detectors. I was grateful that they were being changed. For the past few weeks, I have been strange dreams about fires and smoke. 

Anyway, back to the story.  Mr. Handyman came over to change the smoke detectors.  I was grateful that I didn’t have to climb that tall ladder to change one the vaulted ceiling.  I am so fearful of heights.  So, I was grateful.   

But, when I arrived home, this is what caught my eye…


A hole in the wall?  Apparently, Mr. Handyman fell off the ladder…as he hit the ground, the ladder went through the wall.  My first reaction was to ask if he was hurt.  He wasn’t…just his pride.  So, my second reaction…”MY WALL!”  

I am glad he wasn’t hurt.  But…my wall…and my red berry wreath weren’t that lucky.

I don’t like these types of surprises.


P.S. I am grateful for the amazing Young Women in Excellence that I attended this evening.  It was powerful and incredible.  It made my heart fill with joy. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Heaven

I love waffles.  I love the smell of waffles baking.   I love the scrumptious taste of a waffle covered in delicious syrup.  I love waffles.  Waffles are definitely a comfort food for me. 

Several weeks ago,  I had a strong desire to taste this sweet goodness.  I asked my dear friends at work if they would be interested in having waffles for breakfast.   They did!!  As we were eating our waffles, someone said…”Hey, it is Waffle Wednesday!”  Since that day, we have eaten  waffles every Wednesday morning.  I love it.  Deliciousness!! 

The other day, I came across a delicious post on Pinterest.  It was Cinnamon Roll Waffles.  I suggested that we try this scrumptious idea.  Oh my goodness, I felt like we were Cinnamon Roll Heaven.  I loved them.

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Cinnamon Roll Waffles:

1 can of store bought cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting

Spray waffle iron, place 4 cinnamon rolls on a preheated waffle iron and close to cook.  (We used our Belgium Waffle maker so we only placed 2 cinnamon rolls in the waffle maker)

Cook.  Don’t rely on the light…your waffles might be done before the light goes off.


Cream Cheese Syrup Recipe:

Cream cheese frosting (the one from the cinnamon roll can)

1 Tablespoon Karo Syrup

1 Tablespoon water

Mix the frosting and the Karo Syrup together.  Add water one tablespoon at a time until desired consistency is met.  Drizzle over hot waffles.

Delicious!!  I love Waffle Wednesday!!


P.S.  I am grateful for new ideas.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sometimes we just need a sweet little reminder…

 Try Harder

Sometimes we just need a sweet little reminder that we don’t have to be perfect. Our Heavenly Father knows our heart and our thoughts.  All we have to do is “try a little harder to be a little better.”


P.S.  I am grateful for wise church leaders that constantly guide us to help us become a better person.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Finding little treasures…

Have you ever put your hand into your pocket and felt something? This happens to me all of the time. I often find folded little pieces of papers that contain lists of things to do, quotes, thoughts that have popped into my mind, and basically, just random types of things. Tonight, as I put my hands into the pockets of my pjs, my hands felt a square piece of paper. Thinking that it was probably a piece of paper that contained some random thought or list, I pulled it out of my pocket. I was pleasantly surprised to see…

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a washed, dried, and folded FIVE DOLLAR BILL!!

I felt like I won the million dollar lottery. OK, not really, but it was fun to know that I am five dollars richer. YAHOO!!! I love finding these types of pleasant surprises. Love it!


P.S. I am grateful for sweet little surprises.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A passion for creating!

I have a passion for creating things. I love watching as paper is glued together in such away that creates the most beautiful work of art. Each month, I have the opportunity and privilege to share my love and passion for creating amazing little works of art with those that attend my class. I love it. I love sharing ideas, thoughts, opinions and watching others get excited about what they are creating. I absolutely love it. It immediately releases those incredible warm fuzzies throughout my whole body.

For the month of November, we created “grateful” cards. Look what we created…

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Then, every other month, I meet with a group of sweet ladies and participate in a card swap. I love it. Each time we meet, I feel like it is Christmas morning. Our theme for this swap was Christmas. We each made a Christmas card and two Christmas tags to give to each other. I loved it. I am so excited. My Christmas cards are already to be written in and mailed.

This is my Christmas card that I created for everyone.

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These are my two Christmas tags that I created.

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Look at  what I received…

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I love these cards and tags.   I love it!!


P.S. I am grateful for beautiful paper, glue, buttons, ribbons and the list goes on and on. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I looked out the window…

winter wonderland

This morning, I looked out my bedroom window and I witnessed the most gorgeous site.  It took my breath away as I noticed the light shining through the branches.  I know that my camera didn’t quite capture what I wanted to share but as I stood there looking at this incredible site, my heart was filled with peace. 


P.S.  I am grateful for the change in the seasons!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Road of life.


From your position on the road of life, you...have many miles to go and many choices to make as you seek to return to our Heavenly Father. Along the road there are many signs that beckon. Satan is the author of some of these invitations. He seeks to confuse and deceive us, to get us on a low road that leads away from our eternal destination .. You have been taught righteousness and assured or its truth, so stay with it... To avoid being deceived, you must also follow the promptings of that Spirit." Dallin H. Oaks

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It is just one of those weeks…

Have you ever had a week that started out bad and no matter how much you tried to turn it around, the worse it got?  Mine started last Saturday evening and since then…it has gotten horribly worse as each day passes by.  No matter how hard I have tried to turn it around…I just can’t seem to.  I have been near tears all day and as I left my meeting tonight, the floodgates opened.  I couldn’t stop the tears.  I don’t think that I have cried like this in a long time.

I just wanted to quit trying with everything and everybody. With tears flowing down my face, I walked into my bedroom.  I noticed this sweet picture of the most precious little girl setting on my dresser…

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and in my mind, I heard her sweet little voice, “I love you Michelle.”  I am so grateful for this little friend of mine who loves her aunt.  She loves me despite all of my weaknesses and imperfections. Thank you Brylie!!  I love you so much!!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chime. Chime. Chime.

Last night, I curled up in my blankets, snuggled with my pillows and fell asleep hoping  my dreams would be welcoming.


At approximately 3:15 am, I am awaken with sound of a faint chime. 


I wasn’t quite awake so I couldn’t figure out where that distinctive sound was coming from…was it outside?  Was it from the condo next door?  Where was it?


Knowing that the sound of an incoming text on my phone is not the same sound that I was hearing, I grabbed my phone to look at it. 

No text messages. I set my phone back down on my night stand.



Where is that chime coming from?  I picked up my phone again.  No text messages.


Then, I noticed the little flag in the corner of my phone.  I clicked on it.

It was my bank account.  Six unread messages. Frantically, I opened the six messages.  One by one, I watched the balance in my checking account drop.  My heart was pounding.  I couldn’t breathe. 





Four more chimes…I sat staring at my phone.  I was sick inside. I couldn’t do anything until 8:00 am.  I couldn’t breathe.  I couldn’t sleep.  I sat there staring at my phone.

Promptly at 8:00 am, I called the bank.  The sweet lady on the phone asked what she could do for me today.  I told her the story…trying so hard to hold back every emotion.  She told me not to worry (seriously…she doesn’t know me very well…I worry over every little thing) and she would find me some help.  She connected me to the FRAUD department and I was able to speak to this really sweet guy.  He helped me take care of the problem, flagging this, flagging that, restoring my funds back into my account and cancelling my card. 

I was so relieved when he finished helping me that I told him that he was definitely my hero of the day.  He giggled and said, “Well, I have never been told that.  Thanks!”  He definitely was my hero. 

Now…to a more spiritual side of the story.  A few weeks ago, I felt prompted to download the app that notifies me of any transactions on my bank account.  I was thinking at the time that I was being prompted to watch where I was spending my money.  I am sure that I really need to watch what I buy but I know now that it was because of what happened in the early hours this morning.  I had been prompted to act before something really awful  happened.  I am grateful.  So grateful.


P.S. I am grateful for a patient and kind Fraud Customer Service Agent who was willing to be tender and sweet with me and to be my HERO!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I voted…

I voted…I-Voted-via-Shutterstock-615x345

…enough said.


P.S.  I am so thankful that this day is over.  It started out not that great and kept getting worse by the hour.  I am grateful for a bed, fluffy pillows and blankets to comfort me.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Books that every girl should read…

sarahhwI love to read.  I love when I am reading and the characters come alive.  There is something with forgetting about reality and checking into the pages of a book. I just love it.   I love that I can sit for hours and read without moving…maybe only to grab a blanket and  a box of Kleenexes.   I love when I read a book and experience every type of emotion.  I just love it.  I love to read!

Anyway, tonight,  I came across a list of books that every girl should read.   I am not sure who published this article or where they got their facts but I found it interesting.  I might just add these books to my list.  So…I ask you my dear blog readers, have you read…

Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic, #1) by Sophie Kinsella

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close

The Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank

What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self by Ellyn Spragins

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

What Did I Do Wrong? by Liz Pryor

20-Something, 20-Everything: A Quarter-life Woman’s Guide to Balance and Direction by Christine Hassler

Single: The Art of Being Satisfied, Fulfilled and Independent by Judy Ford

What are your thoughts?  Would you put these books on your top ten list?  I have heard of a couple of them but not all of them.  What book would you recommend?

Happy Reading!


P.S.  I am grateful that I know how to read!  So grateful!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Today will never come again.


Today will never come again.  Were you a blessing to someone?  Were you a friend?  Did you encourage someone?  Did you take time to care?  Did your words heal and not wound?   As I read this quote, I started thinking  about the many affects we have on people.  What would happen if we woke up every morning ready to bless the lives of those that we love and even those that surround us in every day comings and goings?  Our world would be completely different.  I know that it would.  I have decided to make sure these little statements are on my mind all of the time.


P.S.  I am grateful for the time spent with Hayley chatting and watching Marcel the Shell videos.  Thanks for blessing my life today!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chicken & Stuffing Recipe

I love to bake!  I love to cook!  I don’t do it very often because whatever I make…stays around forever.  I love leftovers but leftovers that last a week…just loses its excitement.

I love to find new recipes and try them out.  Well, I found one and I can say that it is definitely a keeper. It only has 4 ingredients and it was so easy. 

Chicken and Stuffing Recipe

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4 Chicken breasts

6 oz. Stove Top Stuffing Mix.

1/2 cup Sour Cream

1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup.

Place chicken breasts on the bottom of the crockpot.  The recipe suggested that they be thawed. I forgot to thaw the chicken breasts so I used frozen ones.  It did take a little longer to cook but…it was worth the wait.

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Mix the sour cream and soup together and pour over the chicken breasts.

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Pour Stove Top Stuffing over the top of the soup mixture.

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Cook for 4 hours.  Fluff with fork.  Serve with yummy veggies!

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Happy eating!!


**When I make it again. I am going to pour the Stove Top Stuffing over the chicken and then add the Sour Cream and Cream of Chicken soup mixture. **


P.S. Today, I am grateful for snuggle time with my sweet niece, Brylie.  We snuggled and read books together.She brings so much joy into my life.  

Friday, November 2, 2012

hypothetically speaking…

This morning,  I was sitting at my desk diligently working when my phone chimed.  I had a text message.  It read, “Hey Chicka…hypothetical?  For you…If I ever needed to know where you live, what’s your address?” I started to giggle. Hmm..what is this person up to? Hmmm….

So,  I responded to this  hypothetical question. 

Tonight, I found placed carefully on my doorstep…

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…a plate of homemade cookies and a pencil.  Love it!!!

It made me smile!  Thank you!  I needed to smile today.  I really did. 



P.S. Today,  I am grateful for sweet simple acts of kindness.  I really needed one today!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursdays thoughts…enjoy the sunlight

It has been a tough week.  There has been so much going on at work that it has left people in a frenzy.  Our building is being somewhat renovated and that has caused plenty of chaos.  People have been moving out of their offices and setting up in random places.  When you need to find someone to ask a question, you are not sure where to even start looking…they could be anywhere.  ANYWHERE! 

To add to that chaos, we are having our annual meetings.   We have been dutifully preparing for the arrival of our clients which has added to the chaos.  Papers keep getting misplaced.  Printers are not being cooperative.  Tempers are starting to be lost.  It is crazy.  CHAOS!! 

Usually, it is easy to find some laughter but these past few days… there is little laughter but plenty of crankiness.  Some have mastered the art of complete crankiness.  So, when I came upon the following quote, I felt that there was a smile somewhere starting to burst out.  I love this quote!!!


It is so true.  There has been plenty of so-called storms this week.  Why do these storms affect everyone and anyone?  Happy people struggle to remain happy when there are mean and hurtful comments surrounding them.  Darn those ugly storms. 

Sunlight.  We definitely need sunlight.  I am going to make it a goal to seek out the sunlight and get rid of those ugly storms.  I really need it…right now!!!  I, definitely, need to find some laughter…maybe tomorrow! 

Yes, definitely tomorrow!!!


P.S.  It seems that November is a month that everyone is trying to share things that they are grateful for in their life.  My question…why don’t we always share these types of things?  Whether it is for people, things, emotions, and whatnot…why can’t we share everyday of the year. Anyway, since I am a list maker…I choose to accept the challenge to share things that I am grateful for in my life.

Today, I am grateful for those moments in my life where  I KNOW that my Heavenly Father loves me.  I truly needed to feel that amazing love today.