Monday, November 26, 2012

100 books in 2012…not going to happen.

One of my goals for 2012 was to read 100 books.  I love to read and so I felt that this would be a perfect (and easy) goal to accomplish. HA  Ha…it hasn’t been easy. I realized that every time I would sit down to read, my mind would start thinking of all the things that I SHOULD be accomplishing.  If I kept reading, all of a sudden I would feel this enormous amount of GUILT.  The sense of guilt would win and I would put my book down…hoping to return to my friends who were lost in the pages of the book I was reading.  

As the months passed by, I would try and talk myself into not feeling so guilty.  I needed to have moments where I enjoyed doing things that I wanted to do instead of needed to do.  So, lately, I have decided that I would read on my lunch break at work.  I love it.  I love eating my lunch and reading. I realized that I can’t feel guilty if I am reading while I am eating lunch.  I can’t accomplish much during that time at work, so it works out perfectly.  I am now up to 17 books.  I have 35 more days to read 83 books…do you think I can accomplish this goal?  (I am hysterically laughing right now).  Probably not!!

Anyway, yesterday I was in a really quiet mood.  As soon as I arrived home from church, I put on my pajamas, grabbed a blanket and curled up with my dear sweet kindle.  I read and read to my hearts content.  One of the books that I read was…


Your Happily Ever After by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

It definitely was a great “pick-me-up”.  I know that I needed to read this book.  It was inspiring, amazing and pretty much incredible.  I remember when I first heard Elder Uchtdorf’s talk and felt the peacefulness of his message.  Tonight as I read this book, I felt that same incredible peace.  A peace that I needed to feel tonight.  I am grateful for inspiring people who help us see the good in our own lives…when we fail to see it.   If you haven’t had a chance to re-read his talk, I recommend it. It will bring some peace into your heart.  I know that it will.


P.S.  I am grateful that I love to read.  I am grateful for many inspiring authors who share their talents.


¡Vieve! said...

100 books is so many to try to tackle in a year! Maybe next year you can do it...and for now, just enjoy the books you're reading! :)

Maleen said...

I only opted to try 12 books this year. One a month is totally doable. But good luck. Find more short good books like that one.