Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chime. Chime. Chime.

Last night, I curled up in my blankets, snuggled with my pillows and fell asleep hoping  my dreams would be welcoming.


At approximately 3:15 am, I am awaken with sound of a faint chime. 


I wasn’t quite awake so I couldn’t figure out where that distinctive sound was coming from…was it outside?  Was it from the condo next door?  Where was it?


Knowing that the sound of an incoming text on my phone is not the same sound that I was hearing, I grabbed my phone to look at it. 

No text messages. I set my phone back down on my night stand.



Where is that chime coming from?  I picked up my phone again.  No text messages.


Then, I noticed the little flag in the corner of my phone.  I clicked on it.

It was my bank account.  Six unread messages. Frantically, I opened the six messages.  One by one, I watched the balance in my checking account drop.  My heart was pounding.  I couldn’t breathe. 





Four more chimes…I sat staring at my phone.  I was sick inside. I couldn’t do anything until 8:00 am.  I couldn’t breathe.  I couldn’t sleep.  I sat there staring at my phone.

Promptly at 8:00 am, I called the bank.  The sweet lady on the phone asked what she could do for me today.  I told her the story…trying so hard to hold back every emotion.  She told me not to worry (seriously…she doesn’t know me very well…I worry over every little thing) and she would find me some help.  She connected me to the FRAUD department and I was able to speak to this really sweet guy.  He helped me take care of the problem, flagging this, flagging that, restoring my funds back into my account and cancelling my card. 

I was so relieved when he finished helping me that I told him that he was definitely my hero of the day.  He giggled and said, “Well, I have never been told that.  Thanks!”  He definitely was my hero. 

Now…to a more spiritual side of the story.  A few weeks ago, I felt prompted to download the app that notifies me of any transactions on my bank account.  I was thinking at the time that I was being prompted to watch where I was spending my money.  I am sure that I really need to watch what I buy but I know now that it was because of what happened in the early hours this morning.  I had been prompted to act before something really awful  happened.  I am grateful.  So grateful.


P.S. I am grateful for a patient and kind Fraud Customer Service Agent who was willing to be tender and sweet with me and to be my HERO!!


¡Vieve! said...

This had to be one of the most awful moments! Thank goodness you downloaded that app, so that you were on top of that situation. I hope you have no more problems from here on out with your accounts!

Maleen said...

So glad you were inspired to get that app. What a scary story, but I loved the happy ending.