Thursday, November 8, 2012

It is just one of those weeks…

Have you ever had a week that started out bad and no matter how much you tried to turn it around, the worse it got?  Mine started last Saturday evening and since then…it has gotten horribly worse as each day passes by.  No matter how hard I have tried to turn it around…I just can’t seem to.  I have been near tears all day and as I left my meeting tonight, the floodgates opened.  I couldn’t stop the tears.  I don’t think that I have cried like this in a long time.

I just wanted to quit trying with everything and everybody. With tears flowing down my face, I walked into my bedroom.  I noticed this sweet picture of the most precious little girl setting on my dresser…

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and in my mind, I heard her sweet little voice, “I love you Michelle.”  I am so grateful for this little friend of mine who loves her aunt.  She loves me despite all of my weaknesses and imperfections. Thank you Brylie!!  I love you so much!!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

This has been a truly horrible week, I can't believe all that you've had to endure. I'm sorry for all that's happened, and I REALLY hope it gets better. *hug*