Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I have a picture that hangs on my wall in my bedroom. Every time I look at it, it brings a smile to my face. When my sweet grandma passed away, my co-workers had a picture framed for me. At first glance, it is not a picture that I would suspect that anyone would give to someone who has had a loved one pass away. It doesn’t have a tender saying or quote nor does it have a picture symbolizing returning home. It is a simple picture of a sunflower meadow. I love sunflowers so this picture truly brings a smile to my heart.


But as I ponder this picture, I have come to love it more than ever. It represents the Savior in our lives. I am not sure if you know much about sunflowers but there is one thing that I absolutely love. Sunflowers turn their faces to the sun. When the sun moves, the sunflowers follow.

Their faces are always towards the sun.

Where are our faces (or thoughts or our heart) turned towards? Are they turned to the Son—meaning the Son of God? Each time I look at this picture, it reminds me of my life and the importance of our Savior in my life. I am so grateful for constant reminders that help me turn my heart to the Son.


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

Those are so many great thoughts regarding sunflowers. Something I love about you, is you can always get a deeper meaning from everything. That's such a great picture.