Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A cookie & a hug to save the day!


Today has been a rough day. One of those days that you wish that you would have stayed in bed instead of enduring through the roller coaster filled with much frustration and heart ache. As I was sitting at my desk, I received a text message telling me to go out to my car. It was from Vieve—my dear friend who I miss so much. Vieve left work last week never to return and I miss her terribly. Anyway, I jumped up out my chair and ran out the door. I was so excited to see her. Look what she brought me…


and inside that cute little sack was…


a delicious sugar cookie.

She knew exactly what I needed---one of her special hugs and a delicious cookie. I am so grateful for her random acts of kindness-they truly bless my heart. Thank you, kind friend, for knowing exactly what I needed to just get through the day!! It truly brought happy tears to my heart!!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I'm so glad the cookie was good! It's just nice to eat cookies, and have a hug, I think. :)