Thursday, May 1, 2014

BYU Women’s Conference day 1


Today was a great day!!  I had the opportunity to attend BYU Women’s Conference with Vieve.  I have always wanted to attend this conference and I am so grateful that Vieve agreed to share this adventure with me.  She is a lot of fun and we have a great time together.  For the most part, we attended some wonderful classes and was able to feel of the Spirit as it touched our hearts.  There was one thing that Sister Sherri Dew said that has been in my thoughts.  She said that each day, we should reflect on the following question, “What is one thing that I will do TODAY to become closer to the Savior?”  I have decided that is what my question is going to be each morning—my new goal to become closer to the Savior each day. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to attend this amazing conference and I am grateful to spend two days with one of my good friends.  So excited to see what tomorrow brings…

1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

This was such a great conference, I was so glad I got to go with you! I'm grateful for the lessons I got to learn.