Friday, May 23, 2014

My shadow…

Day 50…

We are off on a family camping trip to Schofield Reservoir. I am pretty positive that the next few days my posts will consist of beautiful scenery, family and amazing adventures. J Ok, probably just beautiful scenery and family. I plan to read lots and sit in the beautiful sunshine. I hope there is sunshine because there isn’t any right now. In fact, it is a tad bit cold.


This little munchkin has been my shadow since we have arrived. I am grateful for that. I love her too pieces. The conversations that I have with her are hysterical. She is a grown up in a little child’s body. She truly brings a smile to my face!! Love her with all of my heart.


Oh my heck, they have teepees that you can sleep in. I want to sleep in one of them. Hmm…someday…bucket list add on. HA!!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

Oh my heck it would be so fun to sleep in a teepee! Seriously do that and let me know of your fun!