Friday, May 9, 2014

86,400 seconds…

This evening, I received a SNAPCHAT from Vieve. It was a picture of a tweet that she had received which made her think of me. Aw…it made me smile.

day 36

“Every morning we wake up with 86,400 seconds to spend…How will you spend them?” ~Kristen Armstrong. It reminded me of a lesson that I taught our youth a few years ago on making the most of our days. We each have been given the same amount of time…no more and no less. We cannot hold on to them and store them for another day. Oh, how I wish that we could. Wouldn’t it be awesome store up seconds and minutes from each day to use on days that you are overwhelmed to get everything accomplished or on those amazing days when you do not want the day to end?

What do you with the seconds that you have been given each day?


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I just love this thought. So many times, I think, there's not enough time, but then I see this, and I realize. There is plenty of time - I just need to do better on it.