Monday, May 5, 2014

Sweetie, you are a potato!

Ok…rarely do I watch commercials when I sit down to watch TV. Maybe I just do not have the patience to sit there and watch the commercials or maybe I find them non-rewarding. Hmm…I haven’t really thought of it. Tonight, I was watching the much anticipated TV premier of 24 and not wanting to miss a moment of it, I watched the commercials…every single one of them. Some commercials were appalling and some were so strange that I did not even understand what they were trying to sell or deliver BUT…there was this one. It had me laughing so hard. I am not sure if it is because of the lack of sleep or if it is just funny.

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“Sweetie, you are a potato!” HA HA HA

I searched for it on YOUTUBE and I have watched several times. I just love it



1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

Oh my gosh, I love this commercial! It makes me laugh every time!