Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I am grateful for antibiotics!

Today was a day that I have not been looking forward to since I received word that I would be going back into surgery AGAIN!!  Two weeks ago, I had a dental cleaning and they found two black spots on my bones.  The thing is I do not have any cavities that would lead to any infection nor have I had any cavities that were filled anywhere near these two black spots.  They were concerned that it could be some type of cancerous spots that were growing in my bone.



After my dentist consulted with my orthodontist and my periodontist, they decided to go forward to try to figure out what the black spots were.  So, Tuesday afternoon, I went in for surgery but since they needed to keep me awake to make some decisions, they chose to not put me under. I was so terrified. They also did not want to disturb my braces so they went from the back of my mouth and drilled through the bone.

When I arrived, they took a zillion x-rays and then started to prep me for the procedure. They numbed me with six different shots and then covered me with the x-ray padding, plastic and rubber. They blocked my throat so that the stuff would not fall down my throat and then attached these drains to the outside of my mouth. CLAUSTOPHOBIA!! All I could do was pray that I would be able to make it through this without having a panic attack.

After drilling these two spots and taking several different x-rays they ruled it as not being cancer.

No cancer!

What a relief that was…tears started flowing from my eyes and I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was so happy. They ended up drilling those two spots—they were full of infection. The thing that is so strange about all of this is that there is no cavities and have been no cavities near these two spots. They could not figure out why I had these two spots but I am so grateful that they are not cancer. They drained the two spots and I still have to go back in a few weeks to be checked again but today I cannot describe the happiness that I feel. For the next little while, I just have to be careful to not get near anyone that has an infection.  I am on some pretty serious antibiotics and…I am so grateful that is all I have to take.  Life is good!!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I'm so glad this wasn't too bad! I mean, having the infection in there is the suckfest, but at least it's not anything worse!