Monday, November 2, 2009

…just thinking…


Last night, I was visiting with a dear friend of mine.  There were moments when it was silent..nothing being spoken at all…just silence.  I started thinking about how quiet it is around my home.  Sometimes it is a welcomed event but, other times…I really do not like it.  But, last night, it was a welcomed event.  My thoughts have been running around in circles in my jumbled head for the past couple of months.  There are so many flying everywhere.

So, as I was trying to place thoughts in their proper order and in the right place, I was wondering if there was room for all of them to fit.  All those thoughts have to fit somewhere…don’t they?  Do I file them in alphabetical order or do I color code them?  Where should I put all of those thoughts?  I really have a difficult time turning off my thoughts. 

But, tonight, there was something peaceful about my thoughts…it was a welcomed silence!




Gerb said...

Only you would think of color-coding your thoughts, and that is why I love you. For me, silence is also a welcomed visitor - one who does not come to visit often enough!

¡Vieve! said...

Silence, what a strange thought! I have the same as you-sometimes, I love having the silence, others...not so much.