Thursday, November 5, 2009

farming…not for me

Dairy_Cows_2004 It has been a long work week and we still have one more day to go. We have had some of our clients in town for our annual conference. It has been just a tad bit crazy. Stress levels have reached their ultimate peak but…we continue to try our hardest to have smiles on our faces.

We were able to visit a dairy today that uses our software. It was quite interesting and entertaining. Interesting meaning how it operates; entertaining for me—I am definitely not a farm girl. I have only been on a dairy one other time in my life and that was when I was in Hawaii--experience that I will never forget. Hmm…maybe I will share it sometime.

The dairy that we visited today is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As we sat through a presentation earlier this morning of how the dairy operates and how it blesses the lives of people throughout the world, I was amazed at how the Spirit filled the room. The presenter shared a video clip of how this dairy is used in humanitarian efforts. As I looked around the room, I saw many tear-filled eyes. It was incredible—not the tear-filled eyes but how the Spirit was touching those that sat in the room. I love it when this happens. It was so peaceful.

Happy Cows!!



¡Vieve! said...

I touched one! Best day ever! Well, minus the blisters. And the smell. And the stress. But free chocolate milk!

Angela said...

wow how cool i love to feel the spirit