Friday, January 9, 2009


This is a conversation that happened today...
"Michelle, I have a homework assignment for you this weekend."
" do? What is it?"

"Your assignment is to blog--when was the last time you blogged?"

I can not believe that I have not blogged in such a long time. WOW!! So, dear friend, here is my blog...

As of late, I have been trying to organize my life. It seems as if the past few months, my life has been a tad bit crazy and I feel like I am running on empty all the time. No matter what I try to do, I feel like I am always falling short. Isn't there a saying that goes something like, "a dollar short and day late." That is how I am feeling--a day late and a dollar short--completely UNORGANIZED.

I love the feeling of being organized--completely organized--not anal retentive, but completely organized. In fact, organized with a sense of knowing where I am going and how I am going to go there--that is what I want to strive for in 2009. So, since it is is the beginning of the year, I have decided to plan out what I am doing and where I am going. I guess that is why I love January so much--it is a fresh start, new start, and a new beginning.

So, now that it is the beginning of the year, I have decided to set a few goals. I find that goals give me a sense of purpose and perspective. Aby from Simply 101 stated, "When you have your eye on the prize, it’s easier to drown-out the background noise such as bad news on the T.V. or the naysayer who isn’t supporting your new direction. You have purpose. You have clarity about what you want. And you’re inspired to take action and make it happen." I just love that quote. So, I have been thinking a lot of about the things that I want to accomplish--my purpose for 2009. I have set some goals and one of them is to be more organized.

So, on Monday, I started organizing my scrapbook room. It is pretty intense, there is so much STUFF--but, it has been a lot of fun. Since the weather has not been that great, it has been easier to stay inside to organize. As I am organizing one of my favorite rooms in my home, I have come across a lot of fun things that I have not seen in awhile, a lot of things that I have duplicate of--maybe even triplicate (I will even admit--more than triplicate), things that bring back wonderful memories, and many many other things.

Isn't it interesting that if we are more organized in every aspect of our lives, we are more efficient, we decrease stress (how much stress do we create for ourselves when we can not find something?), save money and even create more time to do the things that we want to do. I can not even think how many times I have written the same thing on my to do list over and over because I am not organized. But, I know this will not happen to me very often because I am going to be more organized.

What are some tips that help you stay organized? I would love to hear!


Ammie said...

I also want to get more organized. I really want to be ready for Max to come. I want everything to be in it's place.

¡Vieve! said...

Yea, a blog! I love organizing-hopefully your organization will last all year.