Friday, January 23, 2009

fabulous things friday...I love to read!!

One of my most favorite things is...
to read.

Yes, I love to read and I can thank my sweet mom for this great love. She loves to read and through her example and love for it, I love to read. Reading is one of those things that can transport me into another place, another time, another era...but, there is one thing that I do not like about reading. It is the last page of the book. I hate it when books end. I want them to go on and on and on. I would love to know what the characters did after the last page of the book. See, we stopped being apart of their lives when the last word on the last page ended--but what happened to their characters on the next page. HMM!! I guess, we will never know.

Anyway, my question to you like to read? What books are you reading now? Do you recommend it? I would love to know...please share.


¡Vieve! said...

Yea, the return of the favorite things Friday! I love to read-there are always too many books!

Ammie said...

I do love to read! I love mystery and adventure with lots of imagination. I just love it all!

Gerb said...

I AM IN LOVE WITH BOOKS!! I am a self-proclaimed Book Nerd. Some recent reads I enjoyed:

The Sound of Rain and A Distant Thunder by Anita Stansfield. I don't usually read her kind of books (lovey-doveys) but these were really good. A nice mixture of a love for music and a little romance.

Maleen said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. But NOT Moby Dick. You can always check out what I am reading on my blog. Hopefully there will be something after Moby Dick (can I just say again—what a boring book?)