Sunday, March 30, 2008

Naptime--what a dilemma!!

Naps...I hate them...ok, no, not really. I really do love naps. BUT, the problem with taking a nap for me on Sunday means that naptime is AFTER church. You might think, ya--so what? Well, my church is from 2 to 5. By the time, I arrive home from church it is close to 5:30. Then, it is time to make dinner. I make dinner, eat and then clean up. So, let's say...that is about 7:30. So, then, it is Nap Time. I take a nap and wake up about 8:30 or so. Then, bed at 10:30-NO WAY!!!

So, if you really think about it, there is really no time for naps on Sunday for me. But, I am tired. So, then, I take one. It is definitely crazy. Bedtime does not surface until around 3 am--which makes it totally crazy to start a week extremely exhausted.

So, what do you think? I thought about taking a nap before church--but that does not work at all. People call, visiting teaching, meetings--you get the picture.

So, then, I thought, hey, maybe I should skip church for a whole year and then, next year when it is 9:00 am, I can have a nap during the day. But, then, I thought, maybe I should learn to sleep with my eyes open and sleep during church. That really would not work--someone might talk to me and I would probably answer with something that probably would be weird--So, you see--naptime is a dilemma.

But, since I took a nap today...this is where I will be--wide awake trying to figure out what time would be a great time to take a nap on Sundays that does not leave awake in the wee hours of the morning.


Gerb said...

I had the same dilemma yesterday. (our meetings end at 4:00, then I have to make dinner) I was exhausted, but I knew that if I took a nap I wouldn't be able to fall asleep when I needed to. So I read a book instead.

Good luck in your quest to discover the perfect napping time! Maybe you could go to High Priests for one would notice if you fell asleep in there.

¡Vieve! said...

I totally fell asleep in church yesterday, and I was dreaming the bench in front of me was slime or something, so I kicked it. When my shoe kicked it, it made a loud noise and jerked me awake! I was so embarrassed. So I say, sleep during church, but try not to dream.