Saturday, February 28, 2009

Laundromats? Not for me!

There is one thing that I do not like---LAUNDRY. I do love clothes but, I hate doing laundry. It seems like it is a task that is never completed. The thing is--I am only doing laundry for one person and I still hate it. Anyway, I needed to wash my bedspread and my washer is too small. So, we took it to the Laundromat. Okay, that was an experience all in itself. I think that if I had to do my laundry at a Laundromat, I would just purchase new clothes to wear every day. I was kind of CREEPED out.

I did see a positive thing about the Laundromat. You can do 8 loads of laundry at one time. You could be finished with all eight loads in an hour and a half. How do I know this? I watched this lady fill eight washers with clothes. When the washing machine stopped, she filled eight dryers. This is not a bad idea. She eight loads in the amount of time that it took me to wash and dry my bedspread. But, still....I would rather purchase new clothes.


¡Vieve! said...

Laundromats creep me out too! I haven't ever been in one, and I hope I don't have to!

Maleen said...

Amen, I hate laundry, and laundromats make it ever WORSE!! I'm glad your bedspread is clean though.

p.s. I want to see your new glasses.