Friday, February 27, 2009

...fabulous things friday--interrupted for glasses

Brylie wanted to try on glasses, too!!!

Yes, fabulous things Friday is interrupted for glasses. Yes, glasses!!! Lately, I have noticed that there is a change in my vision. I really could not figure out what was changing but, something was causing my eyes to act a little WeIrD!! I started noticing that if I read or stared at my computer screen for a long length of time, my eyes would water and then, they would become tired. But, it did not stop there--things would become a tad bit blurry. This little ritual was driving me crazy!! It was time to get my eyes checked.

So, today was the day of my exciting eye appointment. I was accompanied by my Mom and my darling little niece. It seems that every time they do something to my eyes--I end up with a horrible migraine and then, the nausea feeling starts. It is not fun at all. (Thanks Mom for being my chauffeur--it definitely is difficult to drive when you can't see).

I guess the worse thing that I hate it they put the numbing drops in my eyes. I hate it!! I feel like my eyeballs are going to fall out!!! Mr. Eye Doctor checked for cornea disease, glaucoma, muscular degeneration, and the pressure in my eyes. I am glad that I PASSED all of those tests. Too bad that my left eye did not pass the simple eye test. Yes, I have the privilege of wearing glasses when I read and work on tedious things.

Then, it came time to pick out my new glasses. I narrowed down to 20 then, down to 10. I tried on the 10 again and narrowed it down to 3. I just could not choose from those three--so, now I own three different glasses. You might be thinking? Three eye glasses? Yes, I have 3 different ones to match the different colors of clothing I wear.


¡Vieve! said...

You should have posted pictures of yourself wearing each pair of glasses so we could see them all!

No shame in wearing glasses, yo.

Gerb said...

3 pair of glasses to match all your clothes... THAT is the Michelle I know and love. You are awesome!

Ammie said...

I love it! You got all 3 pair! How cute is that picture of your niece. Adorable!