Thursday, February 19, 2009

Do stop signs EVER turn GREEN?

Have you ever been so tired that you are not sure if you are coming or going? I will admit that I have! In fact, I am extremely tired!!! At least, I hope that is the reason why I stopped at a stop sign and waited and waited and waited. Then, four minutes later, I realized that the stop sign will never turn green. It will be forever red. It is a stop sign and not a stop light! At that moment, I looked around to make sure no one was watching, turned the corner and drove straight home.

Happy Sleeping!!!


¡Vieve! said...

Goodness, I hope you got loads of sleep! How much funnier would that have been had someone been behind you?

Gerb said...

Oh, Michelle - you make me smile.

Maleen said...

You are too cute Michelle.