Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Have you ever been in the right place at the right time? I am not sure that I could say that I have felt that I have been in the right place at the right time…it seems as if I am always a day late for the right place or an hour short for the right time. Lately, my thoughts had turned to ‘being in the right place at the right time’. Literally, I am on the go from the moment that I wake up in the morning until the moment that I close my eyelids at night. So, being in the right place at the right time should come pretty easy, right? No, not at all. In fact, as of late, I have thought and thought about this very statement.

On Sunday, I was sitting in church and one of the speakers was talking about baptism. To be honest, I really was not listening—I heard her say baptism a few times. But, all of a sudden, a thought popped into my brain. Yep, it just popped in-right out of nowhere. It took me back to my baptismal day. It was dark and dreary—what a way to describe one of the most important days of your life. It had been raining all day and the power had been out. I remember it being really cold. We arrived at the church. It was really dark except for the many flashlights that were in the foyer. When we all moved from the foyer to the chapel-we had to carry the flashlights with us. If you know me, I do not like the dark and I would say this was a tad bit creepy.

I changed into my baptismal clothes in the dark—thank goodness for Mom’s. They are always there when we need them the most. Lots of flashlights surrounded the baptismal font. I remember her telling me that everything was going to be okay. I watched as the others in front of me were baptized. Then, it was my turn. As soon as I stepped one foot into the baptismal font, the lights came on.

Anyway, as I was pondering about my baptism, I had a strong feeling that I was in the right place at the right time. I was supposed to be baptized at that exact minute on that exact day. It was an awesome feeling. So, I can say that I have been in the right place at the right time! At least, I can say that I have been in the right place at the right time--one time!!


Maleen said...

I think the flashlights would have been fun, but I like the dark. As for being in the right place at the right time, I think as long as you are doing your best and trying to follow the Lord, you are already in the right place.

Maleen said...

p.s. I like your new look.

¡Vieve! said...

That sounds like a great story! You definitely were in the right place at the right time!

Gerb said...

I'm always in the right place at the right time when Michelle's around!

Chelle! said...

Maleen--thanks for the reminder, but sometimes, I do wonder if I am in the right place at the right time even when I am trying to follow Him.

Gerb-you always seem to make my day!!! I think you are FABULOUS!!

Cami said...

I think you've been in the right place at the right time more than you know.

You're serving in the stake YW's presidency. You are serving in the right place and at exactly the right time. The Lord knows your strengths and knows you will touch the hearts of the YW you serve.

Think of all the lives you have touched without even knowing. You are awesome!