So, I will admit: Yes, I am a 100% list maker. I get this amazing energy when I can actually check something off my "to-do" list. It is amazing. It is like all these endorphins rush to the surface. You know those fabulous endorphins that make you want to make you smile and laugh. I do love that feeling. In fact, I crave it. Sometimes, when I see that I am not going to get to cross something off my list during the day, I write something that I have already completed at the bottom of the list. Then, I cross it off and here comes those amazing endorphins. See, there are ways of creating those wonderful and amazing endorphins. There is something in the power of completion. I am not sure what it is all about, but that power is strong and very positive. It is sometimes the focus of my drive.
Sometimes, it seems so much easier to accomplish an item if it appears on my list....and I get to cross it off. Going back to the start of this piece of paper was just not an ordinary had to be on cute paper and not on regular pieces of paper--they have to be cute--I think that is what makes me smile and laugh the most! What is it with me...I have to have cute paper to right my lists on. Okay, I am obsessed with having to have cute paper! I am obsessed with making lists. So, I guess my diagnosis is that I am more that a list maker.
I am a 100% Cute Paper List Maker!
So, my question to you you make lists? What are your lists written on?
So, my question to you you make lists? What are your lists written on?

You are so weird sometimes! My only lists I make are shopping lists. If I don't write down that I ran out of soap, I'll be in the shower, soap-less, before I remember I needed to get more. And I make lists of what songs I want on my next mix CD.
I make my head. That way there is no proof of all I wanted to accomplish but didn't! I'm with Vieve, though - I do make grocery lists. I even color code them according to which store has the item I want on sale. It's awesome.
Hmmm never thought of color coding my grocery list. That is an awesome idea. I am a huge list maker. I live by lists and calendars-otherwise my head forgets and well you know--disaster strikes and nothing gets done. I have a huge planner. Most of my stuff is written there. I also have a cute pad on my fridge where I write things, and then transfer them to my ginormous book.
Okay, I have a confession. I am totally a list maker. My paper doesn't need to be cute but I add a twist to my lists. I put 6 numbers on the side and then roll a die to see what I am going to do. Then when I cross it off, I add something else and roll again. It mixes it up and I never quite know what I am going to get done in a given day.
For the record I don't put things on there like 'Make dinner' because if I never rolled it, I would have one hungry family.
I know it is weird, and Tyler must get frustrated sometimes when he asks if I did something and I say, "No, I didn't roll it today."
That is me to a T! I love crossing things off my list, and often I will add a few that are already done just so I can mark them off. I don't think you're weird. Oh, and by the way... Every time I check out your blog I end up craving IN-N-OUT burger. I have to wait 38 days to have IN-N-OUT and also send up a lot of prayers that the one in St. George is actually open in 38 days.
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