Monday, April 21, 2008 that frown away!!

I have been thinking a lot about things that I do not like to do. I decided that I would write them down on a list. Yes, I am one of those crazy list makers. Then, my next thought was to see if I could turn that list upside down--you know the song..."if by chance you meet a frown, don't just let his stay, quickly turn it upside down and smile the frown away". So, I was thinking...I wonder if I could work on those things that just drive me crazy and by chance, I might like doing them.

Well, I have thought and thought about it and guess what? I really do NOT think that it will work. My top 3 things that absolutely drive me crazy are:

  1. Putting gas in my car. With the gas prices now...oh, my!!! Then, I think of the alternative--carrying groceries on my bike--I really don't think that would be a good thing!!

  2. Going to the bathroom. I just think it is a waste of time. But, then, I think of the alternative...I guess, I will keep going to the bathroom.

  3. Going to the bank. See...If I quit going to the bank, where would my money go.
Anyway, those are my top 3 things that I really do not like to do them and when I have to accomplish those CRAZY things...I go completely insane!! They really drive me crazy. So, I was thinking maybe every time that I have to fill my car up with fuel, every time, I have to go to the bathroom and every time I have to go to the bank, I am going to sing that song!!! Hopefully, this will change my attitude about these crazy things. But, then, what will people think when I am singing in the bathroom at work...or filling my car up with fuel...oh, and just think of the entertainment at the bank. Oh, I think this is going to be great!!!

So, I propose this question...What are your top 3 things that drive you simply crazy? AND how are you going to turn your 3 things upside down? I would love to hear!!!


Gerb said...

1. waiting for a baby to be born
solution: be induced. (but I won't. So instead I just wait!)

2. vacuuming the house
solution: make the kids do it

3. folding & putting away the laundry
solution: do it anyway!

¡Vieve! said...

I don't think I have three things that really drive me crazy! One thing I don't always look forward to is running every night, but I do it anyways, to stay in shape. Maybe when I'm getting tired and my side starts to hurt, I'll sing this song to keep running!

Cami said...

1. Folding and putting away laundry. (I'm with Gerb on this one)
Solution: Have Kate help, and turn it into a game.

2. Unloading the dishwasher.
Solution: Have Kate help (with the sliverware) and turn it into a game. (While singing the "Happy Working Song" from Enchanted.)

3. Cleaning the shower.
Solution: Make Rob do it. (And he does, willingly!)

Ker said...

Huh- those are all great lists, and I agree with all of them, I hate cleaning the bathrooms too, and ironing.

Jess said...

What a great view on some of the not so fun things in life!!! I am not really sure on my not so fun things I will have to think of some!!