Saturday, April 12, 2008

a precious little girl...

Today, I had the privilege of spending a lot of the day with my sweet little niece-Miss Brylie. She has been going through some yucky times this week. She had to have some tests done during the middle of week that led to some not so fun things that she had to go through today. But, through it all, she still gave her goofy monkey face and her little sweet smiles. She has to be cutest little one ever. I just love her to pieces.

She loves the never-ending game of "patty cake" which leads us all to be a tad bit goofy. Oh, and those goofy looks that she gives--they just make me giggle. One thing I love about her, is her silly monkey face that she pulls and makes the sound of a monkey.

Her laughter is so contagious. When she starts laughing, everyone in the room laughs, too. She has the most precious eyes--everyone just falls in love with her when they look at her. Anyway, tonight, I had the opportunity to hold her while she fell asleep. She is so precious. I just love to hold and cuddle with her. Thanks Jessica and Shad for sharing her with me.


¡Vieve! said...

Brylie is too cute. I'm glad you get to spend time with her!

Traci said...

What a cutie! Baby giggles are definitely the best thing in the whole world.