Thursday, October 25, 2007

"happy voice"

One of my most favorite people in my life is my niece, Kaylie. Since the day that she was born, I have completely-100% adored her. She seems to always be the sunshine on a rainey day. One thing that I just adore about her is that she is dramatic-in action and in speech. On Tuesday, Mom, Kaylie and I went to watch Brandon (her older brother and my nephew) play football. Brandon plays for Spanish Fork High School and they are in the middle of State Play-offs. The game was against Lone Peak and we were playing on neutral ground--Lehi High School. (I know that you were wanting to know all that). It was cold and we were amongst a lot of blankets. Anyway, my mom's cell phone was ringing. Kaylie picks it up and before she answers it--she says, "okay, happy voice, happy voice". Then, she answers all chipper and excited to speak to her mom (who was lost in 5:00 traffic on the freeway--trying to get to the game to watch her son).

Of course, I just giggled. I was thinking to myself "how cute". But, then, as I have pondered that over the past few days. "How do I answer the phone?" "Am I excited to talk to whomever is on the other end of the phone?" "What was their day like?" All these type of questions have been going through my mind. Mostly, I am a cheerful person, but I do have my down days. So, today, as I got up on the wrong side of the bed (for some reason, I am not sure how that would have happen--there is only one side to get up from), I had a grumpy outlook on life. Well, mid-day, I received a phone call from a friend. It was completely out of the blue and I have not spoken to him for quite sometime. I answered the phone-kind of matter-of-factly. Then, I heard, "Hey Sweetie, how are you doing?" It was someone with a "happy voice". How did he know that I was having a no good, rotten, grumpy day? But, somehow, he did and then, I realized--Kaylie was right. We need to start each phone call with a "happy voice". Infact, maybe we need to start each conversation with a "happy voice".

Do you have your HaPpY vOiCe with you today?


¡Vieve! said...

She looks so adorable in this picture!

KAYBUG said...

i love that you wrote about me and told everybody about me "happy voice" have you wrote about brylie yet?

Maleen said...

That is an awesome picture. And I know what you mean about the 'happy voice.' I think we are drawn to people with cheer in their dispositions because we need that ourselves. If someone is gloomy, it is hard to come back from more doom and gloom. I could work on this, I am sure, but for the record, I have never heard you use anything but a 'happy voice.'