Sunday, January 5, 2014

It’s just amazing!!

I had the most incredible experience today.  I was struggling with the whole concept of teaching the Old Testament for my calling in church.  See, I am a Gospel Doctrine teacher for our ward and I love teaching but teaching the Old Testament terrifies me.  When I opened up the schedule and found that I was going to be teaching the first lesson of the year, I started to panic.  I was hoping that I would be the fourth teacher to teach…you know, get three lessons over with and see how the other teachers teach the Old Testament.  As I opened up my scriptures, I realized that the reading material was discussing Moses 1.




I began to get excited.  I love book of Moses.  I LOVE CHAPTER ONE!! 

It is the preface to the Old Testament.  It shares with us three IMPORTANT things:

Who are we?

How can we overcome the influence of the adversary?

What is God’s work and glory?

I started with an object lesson and everything just unfolded from there.  It was awesome.  After the object lesson, I shared a quote by Elder Dallin H Oaks, “Consider the power of the idea taught in our beloved song ‘I am a Child of God'.’ …Here is the answer to one of life’s questions, ‘Who am I?’ I am a child of God with a spirit lineage to heavenly parents.  That parentage defines our eternal potential.  That powerful idea is a potent antidepressant.  It can strengthen each of us to the mind of a …person the powerful idea that he or she is a child of God, and you have given self-respect and motivation to move against the problems of life.”  I shared a personal experience and then opened up to the class.  Oh my goodness, what I witnessed was amazing.  The Spirit was strong…it was on fire.  Hearts were touched, emotions were shared and testimonies were strengthened.  I absolutely love my calling.  I am so grateful for the privilege and opportunity to teach using the Holy Ghost as the teaching guide.  Aw…I love it!

I really  love it!


1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I'm so glad you like your calling! I know you're an amazing teacher - no matter the ages of the people you're teaching.