Friday, July 31, 2009

2 angels, a diet coke, and strawberry ice cream…a perfect moment!!

DSCN0585 I have been blessed to have 2 angels in my life.  No, they are not dead.  No, they don’t appear out of no where and freak you out.  But, they are here on upon this earth to make my life easier. 

Tonight, these two amazing angels—my sweet friends arrived on my doorstep  with a diet coke (and a straw), strawberry ice cream (with a spoon) and the sweetest note.   How did they know that today I needed their friendship and laughter (plus a diet coke and strawberry ice cream)??  

To my sweet angels…you are definitely miracle workers!!!  I love you too pieces!!! 

Plus, they know that diet coke and ice cream go hand in hand!!  Yep, they are angels!!



¡Vieve! said...

You have so many angels doing things for you! I'm jealous!

Gerb said...

Those angels make me cookies sometimes, too! How did we get so lucky?!

Ammie said...

Angel indeed! How sweet! I've got to get me some of these angels. I like Coke zero and chocolate ice cream:) I'm just putting it out there in case they visit Arizona.