Sunday, July 12, 2009

St. George…I loved it!!

I went to St. George for 5 beautiful, sun-filled, hot, and exciting days .  It was a fun vacation and a much needed break!!!  Even though there were many reasons why I had fun in St. George, I will high-light the 5 most eventful ones…(save you from boredom—Ha Ha!).

1.  Teaching Mom and Day the “city-name” game on our drive from Springville to St. George brought lots of laughter and giggles.  I will have to admit that my mom and dad are very creative!!  The stories that they shared were hilarious!

2.  Our destination was Jessica’s grandmother’s condo.  Let me share…it was NOT a condo, it was a half of a  million dollar home.  It was amazing!!DSCN0334 This is the room that I slept in…isn’t it beautiful!!


This was the view from their patio…it sat on the edge of a golf course.  One of my most favorite things to do was wake up early in the morning and sit on the patio.  There were all different types of birds and lizards running around on the patio…seriously, yes…there were lizards!

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3.  We spent a couple of days shopping.  During one of our shopping sprees…Grandpa took Brylie to Build-a-Bear.  Brylie picked out “Princess”.



4.  Spending time with family…DSCN0218 DSCN0224


5. We went to the Tuacahn to watch the musical-ANNIE.  It was incredible.  I loved every minute of it. 




It was a fabulous vacation!!!



Gerb said...

I must be taught the city name game!!

p.s. It sounds like a great vacation.

Ammie said...

I two need to know the city name game. I'm so glad you got to get away and have a great time!

¡Vieve! said...

That sounds like some good times! I will also need to be explained the city name game.