Friday, July 24, 2009

How do they do it?

So, my thoughts tonight are centered around being thankful that I have two legs that work. Since I found out that my dad was going to have surgery, I started noticing those around me that were limping, or on crutches, or were confined to wheelchairs. There are a lot of people out there under these types of circumstances.  How do they function? How do they get around? What do they do? 

Tonight, my mom and I were Courtyard-WheelchairRentalsat the store. I do not remember what we were talking about but, we happened be standing in the middle of an aisle. A man in a wheelchair approached and asked if I could help him. He needed something off the top row of the shelf. Of course, the Christ like side of me stepped in and helped this man. Believe me, it really wasn’t a big deal for me to help out. I did not have to stand on the tip of my toes. It was not strenuous at all.  It was not difficult.  In fact, it was simple and easy.  But…it started me thinking…..

You know those thoughts of curiosity were starting to form in my brain. I wondered what he would have done if I would have said, “No, get it yourself.” How would he have gotten that item off of the top row? What if no one would have helped him? Do people in wheelchairs have to settle for things at eye level? Really, seriously, what do they do? I never want to find out what it is like to only see and reach things at eye level but, I am a tad bit curious.

What would have happened if there wasn’t anyone to help this man? Does he have some magical power to reach those top row items? Maybe, just maybe, he had a pointer stick with a suction cup attached to the end to reach those high places. HMM!!! I am just not sure.



¡Vieve! said...

I always wonder what those people do in that sort of situation! Also, I'm pretty sure that if someone in a wheelchair asked for help and was denied, the denier would go to hell. I'm just saying.

Ammie said...

I agree that the denier would go to hell. Who would ever be so rude! Not me. Hopefully we can appreciate that we have to working legs.