Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yes, Sergeant!

Home for only a few days and then, I was off to Youth Conference.  Our stake youth conference ( July 16-18) was held at Camp Williams—an Army Military Base located in Draper, UT.  It was great!

It began at the Stake Center Pavilion…DSCN0346 

Then, we traveled to Camp Williams.  When we arrived on base we were greeted by two Army Sergeant yelling for us to “move faster” and  “drop and give me a push-up or two”.  DSCN0351DSCN0356 I could see the fear in some of the youth.  I was worried that some of them were going to be in tears before the end of the routine.  I do have to admit, I, too, was a little nervous.  Luckily, their orientation only lasted an hour.  excitement.

After the orientation, the fun did begin.  I was in charge of the “Egg Toss” game (aka.  egg fight).  It was a lot of fun!





We had a few injuries…a few people went to the hospital…but, all in all we had a great time!!DSCN0385


We had a lot of fun in the barracks…DSCN0384


We spent a day at the LRC (Leadership Reaction Course). 




The greatest thing of all was spending time with the youth in our Stake.  I love my calling!!  The youth are so exhilarating!  They are so easy to love!!!DSCN0407 DSCN0501 DSCN0468



Oh, what a great 3 days!!



¡Vieve! said...

This sounds like so much fun-I'm actually jealous. Not of the injuries, though!

Gerb said...

Wow... the LRC looks amazing! I wish I could have been there. The youth in our stake are pretty much the best in the world. And I don't think I'm biased!

p.s. great pictures, too. ;)

Ammie said...

Great pictures! It captures all the fun and learning. What a great time. I'm glad you had fun.