Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Celebrate life…

jill_and_kevin_wedding_party I love to laugh.  I love the energy that it brings to my life when laughter is apart of it.  My friend, Vieve, shared with me this video.  Check it out!!  I, absolutely, love it.  Seriously, I do!!  I am not sure how many times I have watched this video but, I know it is close to hundreds.  It is great!!  Each time, it brings a smile to my face and those endorphins just start spreading through every ounce of my being.

This is what life should be all about….celebrating exciting times,  celebrating friendships, having fun, enjoying each other, not taking life so serious, and being happy.  Better yet, I need to take myself less serious.  President Hinckley said, “Life is not only to be endured, but to be enjoyed.”  This is definitely true.  We need to enjoy life and love it along the way.  Yes, we might have huge trials in our lives but, we have been promised only to be able to handle what we can.   So, let’s celebrate life and enjoy the journey. 



Maleen said...

That video was hilarious. Why didn't I think to do that?

¡Vieve! said...

I freaking love this video too much. Way to keep spreading the word.