Sunday, August 30, 2009

WOW!! I love this peaceful feeling!!

A few weeks ago,  I was invited down to the Stake Office building to visit with a member of our Stake Presidency.  At the time, I did not know that I would end up meeting with the entire presidency.  But when I did…I had the most amazing sense of peacefulness and calmness.  It has been an amazing three weeks.  I have seen the Lord’s hand in my life so many times but, these past few weeks have been completely different—I have seen it each day.  It has been completely amazing.  WOW!!! 

So, today, when my name was sustained to serve the young women of our stake, my heart filled with a great amount of peacefulness—even more than that of the previous weeks.  I do not want this feeling to ever leave.  It has been such a great day!! 

Of course, I am scared, a little panicked, a little overwhelmed, suffering from a little bit of anxiety…but, the greatest feeling is that of pure peace.  I am excited for this new calling.  I am excited to serve with those in my presidency and those on our board.  It will be a great few years.  I know that our focus will be on the sweet young women and amazing leaders of our stake.  I am excited for all of the amazing, spiritual, exciting and peaceful experiences that I will be able to enjoy (and now enjoy).  I know that it is going to be difficult and that there will be some sadness but, I know that as I study, ponder and pray…our Heavenly Father will continue to lead, direct and guide me.  WOW!!  What a beautiful day!! 



Gerb said...

You are going to be awesome. All of the YW in our ward were excited to hear your name. Why? Because EVERYONE loves Michelle!

Maleen said...

I LOVE Michelle too. Too bad I'm not still a young woman, or in your stake for that matter.
I think you will do an extraordinary job.

Angela said...

Oh the Young Women Love You. You well be Great Leader

Anonymous said...

This is soooo meant for you and you are soooo meant for it!! You're going to do an amazing job!! I'm so excited for the YW in your stake! The girls are going to and I'm sure do.......LOVE YOU!!

FishingMetaphor said...

Yea this is so exciting! I know you'll be awesome!

PS who is this Rick character? A secret crush??

Ammie said...

MICHELLE!! HA, HA! If you are wondering who the Rick person is.......It's me, Ammie!
My brother in law who is staying with us must of had his name up and I left a comment under him!
I'll trying leaving this comment and see what happens.
All the other people I left comments under are going to be wondering who this secret Rick is.

I still think you'll do an amazing job!! I'm sure Rick would think so too!

Cami said...

I am missing something! But my guess is that Tracy was released as Stake YW President, and you were called as Stake YW President. Am I right?

¡Vieve! said...

This is soo great! I know you'll be super awesome at this!

Chelle! said...

Gerb--thanks so much for being you. You know exactly what to say and do all of the time!!! You are the best!

Maleen--I wish that you were in our Stake. It would be so fun to work with you!

Angela--you are great!! I loved getting to know you this past year!! Plus, thanks so much for the sweet email that you sent!!! You, definitely, brought tears to my eyes!!

Rick (HA HA)--you are great!! As for you Ammie, you are too hilarious!!! You make me laugh!!!

OMGShoes--Thanks!!! It is going to be a great experience!! I am so excited!!

Cami--Yes, Tracy was released and I was put in as Stake Young President. It has been the most incredible experience. I am definitely excited!!!

Vieve--you are the best!!! Thanks for your support!!!