Tonight I was thinking to myself..."Self--what are you are passionate about?" So, I decided to sit down and begin a list of things that I am passionate about in life. Of course, my list started and it started to grow...I found that there are quite of few things that I could say that I am passionate for. WOW!! I was amazed. One thing that I am very passionate about is journal writing. I remember when I received my very first journal--not diary, but journal.
It was my first day of young women's (I had just turned 12). My Beehive Advisor at the time gave each member in our class a blue portfolio with the word "JOURNAL" written with a black sharpe marker across the front. Inside was plain lined paper. That was my real true experience with a journal. I went home that night, wrote my very first entry and now many years later, I still am passionate about writing in my journal. I love to fill up one journal and then, shop for the next journal to fill. My journals are all different. It is interesting to look back at my journals and see what journal I picked out for that specific time in my life. Oh, life is great!!!
I guess, I could say that my journal has become a place of security, a place of refuge, a place where I can be myself and express how I feel. It is amazing to look at how many journals I have completed through out the years. I am grateful for each entry because they make up the person that I am. Sometimes, I have a difficult time going back and reading some entries--some memories are just not fun repeating the second, third, or fourth time. But, those wonderful memories...I love to relive them and remember the feelings that I had during those times.
It is great to think of the many hours that I have spent writing in my journal and the zillion entries that have been entered. I am amazed at my handwriting and how I can tell if I am having a good day or a hard day--just by how I write. I love going back and finding the questions that I had--to know that I have the answer many years later.
Thank you sweet Beehive Advisor!! Thank you for your inspiration that you shared with me about writing in your own journal. It helped me find something in my life that I am completely 100% passionate about.
wow Michelle, that is pretty cool. I wish I was a journal writer. I start, but never catch up or finish it. Kudos to you. I am sure it is totally therapeutic!
Hi, I was thumbing through random blogs and yours caught my eye--we have the same blog layouts! And skimming through your posts, I realized you are LDS, like me. Thank you for posting your experience at Pres. Hinckley's viewing. We, too, are mourning the loss of this great man. Being in North Carolina, we are not able to attend conferences and assemblies in the "heartland." :) It was awesome to read a first-hand account. Please feel free to visit my blog at http://kassensfamily.blogspot.com. It was nice to meet a fellow sister. --Melissa
I have always been jealous at your faithfulness in keeping a journal. I try so hard to write consistently, but sadly, I can only get like, one entry a week. I'm glad you'll have these journals forever to be able to remember everything that happened to you!
I do admire people who are faithful journal writers. I am off and on with everything I do it seems. But I try to do a lot. I would be interested to see what else is on your passionate list.
They're free, and it tells you exactly how to apply them to your blog. Have fun!
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