Monday, October 8, 2012

What kind of ripples do you send out?


I have been thinking a lot about the difference one person makes in another person’s life.   I often wonder  what kind of influence that I have on people.  Is it good? Bad? Does my actions impact people that I do not even know?  What about things that I have said?  Have I caused a positive ripple effect or a negative one? As I think of those in my life, I think of the many great examples that they are to me. I have so many wonderful people in my life that have been amazing examples .  I know that there have been many positive ripples that have not only blessed my life but have blessed the lives of so many. Are we causing a positive rippling effect that is going from person to person?  What if we aren’t?  Do you think if we truly understood the rippling effect…we would act differently?  What kind of chain reaction are we creating?

While I was thinking of how our actions and words affect people that we do not even know, I came across a quote by Jake Bohm. 

“We can’t help but wonder how much difference one person makes in the world. We look inside ourselves questioning if we have the capacity for heroism and greatness. But the truth is, every time we take an action we make an impact. Every single thing we do has an effect on the people around us. Every choice we make sends ripples out into the world. Our smallest acts of kindness, can cause a chain reaction of unforeseen benefits for people we’ve never met. We might not witness the results, but they happen all the same.”

I love how he said, “Every choice we make sends ripples into the world.  Our smallest acts of kindness can cause a chain reaction of unforeseen benefits for people we’ve never met.”  It is so true.  We may never see what the end result is but we “might” have played an important part in someone’s salvation. 

So…I ask you to ponder..what kind of chain reaction are you creating?

Thanks for stopping by!



¡Vieve! said...

I hope every day that the ripples I leave are positive ones...and not bad ones, that make people drown. :( (water analogy...)

Angela said...

Wow that was a neat post you are wonderful and have touched many lives so many young girls look up to you. I know we are placed in the lifes of others at the right time when they need it the most. I ran into my YW leader at the store the other day and I had to tell her who I was she couldnt beieve I remembered her of course I did and the lessons on modesty I still remember. I hope we all can try harder to be that positive someone in someones life

Chelle! said...

Vieve...You do. Love the water analogy.
Ang...Thank you so much. I love the young women in our stake. They mean so much to me. I, too, ran into a former YW leader of mine. I love that when that happens. She was still so full of hugs.