Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday’s quote…Facebook vs. Faith Books.

How often do you check Facebook? Is it the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night? What about your scriptures—do you read, study, ponder and feast from them every morning and every evening?  These have been some of my thoughts as of late so, I decided to make a goal to check my Facebook account only a few times a week and spend more time feasting from the scriptures. I have realized that Facebook is not as enticing to me anymore. I love that feeling. So…when I came across this quote, I books

Hmm…something to think about.



Angela said...

oh yes facebook is a waste of time i love seeing what others post but scriptures should be priority i listened to them while i worked the other day instead of music and it was so nice

¡Vieve! said...

That is a really good thing to think about ... I admit, I'm more guilty of doing this - the scriptures are never first on my mind! Hopefully I can do better with this.