Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hold fast…


I visited a ward today to support one of my favorite little friends. Sister Natalia has been called to serve an LDS mission to Mexico City. I am thankful for being a part of her life. She is full of love and shares it freely. I know that those that she comes in contact with will feel of that same love that I feel. Aw…she is going to be amazing,

Anyway, after listening to her powerful talk, I decided to stay for Sunday school and Relief Society. I really wasn’t planning on it but decided to stay. I am so glad that I did. The Sunday school teacher shared a quote that pricked my heart. One of those good pricks when your heart is filled with peace. The quote that she shared was by Elder Holland.

"Hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.”

I have thought a lot about this quote today and the impression that keeps coming back is to HOLD FAST—hold fast to what I already know. Right now in my life, I need to focus on holding tight to those things that I know. Right now, it isn’t important for me to find out the answers that I do not know but to focus on what I do know.

I am so grateful for this sweet little quote because it brought some peace into my heart and mind.



Juleea said...

Thanks for sharing! I definitely needed to see that quote today! :)

¡Vieve! said...

That's an amazing quote! I am going to write this down and display it so I can see it, it's so inspiring!