Sunday, July 25, 2010

aw…a sweet note and treats!

0723100840-01 I arrived at work Friday morning to find a cute little surprise setting on my keyboard.  I wasn’t expecting it at all and it truly touched my heart.  SHH!! I love those types of little surprises.  They make me feel loved!  Immediately, I feel all those warm fuzzies going through my body.  I love to do little things for people because I love to see them smile.  But, when I receive them…I get all excited inside.  I love to be remembered and thought of…in a good way.

Well, this sweet little surprise was from my dear friend, Vieve.  She knows when I truly need a little pick-me-up.  She does the sweetest things for people and when it is for me…I get all excited inside.  I am grateful for her friendship and for her thoughtfulness. Although, the cookies were mighty delicious and oh, those cake bites were heavenly…the card…the best.  I love receiving notes from people.

Vieve, thanks for the things that you wrote…I know that what you wrote is sincere and so sweet.  You definitely have perfect timing.  You definitely know when I truly need a pick-me-up and a sweet note.  You are the best!  Thanks for being a wonderful friend!! 

Aw…a sweet note and a treat…what a perfect way to start the day!!!




¡Vieve! said...

Those cake bites were delish! I'm glad you shared!

Ammie said...

I love these stories because it makes me want to do something sweet like this for others! Thanks for sharing!