One of my most favorite things is...
unscheduled time!!

unscheduled time!!
A couple of days ago, a friend of mine had a birthday. One of the girls in her office had interviewed several people, finding out lots of information about her and wrote the facts all over. As I was reading one of the facts, I read "most favorite things is unscheduled time.” I have thought about that phrase for the past few days and YES, one of my most favorite things is unscheduled time. I don't find myself having much of it lately. The more I think about it the more I love it.
So, tonight, I did not schedule anything in my life. I did not schedule errands. I did not schedule work. I did not schedule anything. Guess what? It was great! I did not worry about where I was suppose to be, who I was suppose to be with, and I just did whatever. Actually, to tell you the truth, I watched TV all night long. It was great!!! I channel surfed and watched whatever I wanted to. It was great!! I think that I should schedule unscheduled time more often
So, tonight, I did not schedule anything in my life. I did not schedule errands. I did not schedule work. I did not schedule anything. Guess what? It was great! I did not worry about where I was suppose to be, who I was suppose to be with, and I just did whatever. Actually, to tell you the truth, I watched TV all night long. It was great!!! I channel surfed and watched whatever I wanted to. It was great!! I think that I should schedule unscheduled time more often

I like unscheduled time, but I feel that I don't always use it to the best of my ability, which just shows how anal I am because HEY, it's unscheduled—who cares what you do, but obviously part of me feels that I should always be doing something productive, like finishing this run-on sentence.
Unscheduled time is fab, but I'm always panicking when I get it. Is there something else I should be doing? What am I forgetting? I hate that!
unscheduled time is the best!! I try to have a lot of unscheduled time when I get home from work. I'm too tired to do anything but unscheduled nothing!
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