Saturday, May 17, 2008

Have you ever thought that you might have lost it?

Well, this morning, I woke up bright and early (4:55 am). I had so many thing to do today that I think that my mind was racing all night long. Anyway, I had a Stake YCL breakfast and training first thing this morning. After that, my friend, Mirna, and I threw a bridal shower for one of my laurels. But the story begins around 7:15 am. I was loading my car up with the necessary things to complete my list of things to do--I did not think that I would have enough time to come back home between the training and the bridal shower. So, like I said, I loaded everything into my trunk. I had planned enough time to drive to my parents home, borrow my mom's punch bowl and then, stop at the store to pick up some fruit before I was needed at the Stake Center for the breakfast.

I shut my trunk...looked around and could not locate my keys. SHOOT!!! I thought to my self..."Did I just lock my keys in my trunk?" I searched everywhere just to make sure that I was not wrong. So, after 15 minutes or so of looking, I could not find them. I called Mom. (Side note...I keep my spare key at work in my desk--I have been known to lock my keys in my car at work--once too many times.) She came and picked me up, I went to work, retrieved my spare key and headed back to my house. I opened my trunk...NO KEYS!!! What?! YEP!! NO KEYS!! There was absolutely not time to search before the breakfast. So, it was off to get the fruit and the to the Stake Center.

So, the breakfast and training--was great. We did not have a lot of the girls show up but, I think that the ones that did...really had a great time and was glad that they came. Overall, I think that it was worth it.
As for the bridal was simply fabulous!!! Kenzie was absolutely adorable and we had lots and lots of fun!!! Kenzie really made the shower great. She was excited about being married and was the most gracious bride. She exclaimed over everything and over every guest! What a beautiful and adorable wife she will make!! Yea! I am so excited for her. Plus, I might add..."Mirna and I know how to celebrate and throw the perfect bridal shower!!!"

Back home...I searched and searched. NO KEYS!!! I went to my parents home. Mom went all through my car again--just in case I did not see them the zillion times that I went through it. The next step was, I cleaned and vacuumed my entire car. (Just in case--my keys were hiding). OK, by this time, I think that I am going simply crazy!! Where are my keys?!

Well, it is 10:30 pm...I have searched and searched my house. I can not find them anywhere!!! Defeated, I sat down my couch and looked at my entertainment center...peaking out behind a basket, I see a glimmer of pink...THEN, I REMEMBERED!!! I had set my keys down on the entertainment center when I looked through the basket for a card for Mackenzie!!!

Let me tell you...I think I have lost it?!! But, boy oh boy, I am glad that I FINALLY REMEMBERED!!!


¡Vieve! said...

At least, at the end of the day, you found them! I have to put my keys in the same spot every day, or else I lose them.

Maleen said...

Yep, I do the hunt for keys at least once a week. I was very good at putting them in the same place after I lost Tyler's extra key, but after I found it (6 months later) I have been getting back into my bad habits of putting my keys just anywhere again. I will probably never learn.
But at least I don't lose my keys as often as Tyler loses his work badge (poor guy).

Unknown said...

I am so excited the Kenzie is getting married. That is so exciting...please send her my congratulations. i am so excited for her...she is one of the cutest girls...hopefully we'll get to see her when we get back...June 14th~