Sunday, May 4, 2008

daily devotionals

Today, I attended church in my own ward. I have not attended our ward for over a month. Let me add, I have been attending the different wards in my stake due to Ward Conference. So, I have been getting some type of spirituality. HEE HEE!! I woke up this morning not really feeling all that excited to go to our ward--it is so LATE!!!

While sitting in Sacrament Meeting, I was trying to think of the many reasons why I needed to go home. I could not think of one that would really stand up the guilt that I would feel later. Anyway, right after Sacrament Meeting, I was greeted by Mirna. Oh, I just love Mirna. We had served together in the Stake Young Women's and I miss serving with her. She is so amazing and so fun to be around. Personally, I think that Heavenly Father knew that I needed an extra push to stay for the rest of my meetings. I think that He knows that I HATE sitting by myself in church. So, he sent Mirna to sit with me. THANKS!!!

Anyway, the reason for this blog was not all the above stuff...but for what I was reminded about in Relief Society. It was not the lesson, but it was about the comment that Sister Haws made. She reminded us of the importance of having our own Daily Devotional. Elder Bullock, our Area Authority, attended our ward a while back and spoke to us about the importance of having a personal Daily Devotional where we take a few minutes (10 to however long we would like or need) and write in our journals, read in our scriptures, or maybe it is pondering or reflection on something. But, the most important thing is taking time for ourselves each day. I have neglected the Daily Devotional in my life. I have about a billion and one things going on in my life that I forget to take time for just me.

So, today...I am going to set that as a goal for me this own personal daily devotional.

Do you take time each day for yourself? I sure hope you do!!!


¡Vieve! said...

I hope you can hit your goal!

Maleen said...

That is a good goal to strive for. I can't say that I get good devotional time right now. I should get up early and do it, but I like sleeping too much right now.

Ker said...

Love it! Thanks for the reminder!